14 yrs ago

Best way to store nail polish

Hi Beauties

What is the best way to store nail polish? I know some people keep them in the fridge but I have never done this. Does it help the polish last longer or what?

Look forward to your views.


14 comments 32 voices


  • 14 yrs ago

    Cool post, melmeko! xo

    Haha it was from an Oprah website, I figured she always gets the professionals in on the act so they should know what they are on about, lol.

  • 14 yrs ago

    Cool post, melmeko! xo

  • 14 yrs ago

    I just leave mine with my undies 😀
    Which FYI is a cool dark place and my polishes don’t die on me at all.

    I don’t think that the polish will break easily so you probably won’t really have to think of risks like that. Mort must really think of everything :]

  • 14 yrs ago

    Very interesting! Thanks for posting, Mel
    I’m thinking that I’ll choose the discolouration, solvent evaporation, pigment caking and settling over kaboom…

  • 14 yrs ago

    Been reading up on this a bit, and found something interesting, not at all what I expected either, haha.
    Q: Will my nail polish last longer if I keep it in the fridge?

    A: The inside of my refrigerator door, colorfully adorned with many little bottles of polish lined up along the top shelf, has often reminded me of a manicure salon (with anchovies, ketchup, and a half-empty jar of Grey Poupon). I’ve always suspected that keeping nail polish cold prevented spoilage, but I had no proof.

    Suzi Weiss-Fischmann, executive vice president of OPI, claims that storing polish in the fridge will slow down the discoloration that happens as polish gets older. She suggests keeping the bottles upright, because if a bottle falls on its side it’s harder to shake the pigments back together. The cosmetic chemist Mort Westman explains that refrigeration reduces solvent evaporation and pigment caking and settling.

    But Mort, who must like to think of everything, expressed a concern. If you keep a highly flammable mixture (the polish) in a sealed box (the refrigerator) with a motor that could spark, what might happen if the bottle breaks or opens?


    Bottom line: Though your polish will last longer in the refrigerator, it’s probably safer to keep it in a cool, dry place away from sunlight—and potential sparks.

  • 14 yrs ago

    Oh dear, I still don’t know what to do. Muraljewel, do you put the polishes in the door of the fridge or the main part? My polishes include Orly, OPI, China Glaze. Do you also put basecoat and topcoat in the fridge? x

    Hi Rox,
    geez I thought I had replied back to you. I put my nail color in the door of the fridge. I put all of them it in the butter compartment. I’ve never had any problem with storing them like that and if anything they keep so well that I usually have to throw them out cause I’m bored with the color. They usually last 7-8 months for me.

    Thanks for giving me some extra information Muraljewel. I have been told that the door of the fridge is best so thanks for confirming that for me. I have not bought polishes for years and have started a new collection so I just want to get the best value out of them. x

  • 14 yrs ago

    Oh dear, I still don’t know what to do. Muraljewel, do you put the polishes in the door of the fridge or the main part? My polishes include Orly, OPI, China Glaze. Do you also put basecoat and topcoat in the fridge? x

    Hi Rox,
    geez I thought I had replied back to you. I put my nail color in the door of the fridge. I put all of them it in the butter compartment. I’ve never had any problem with storing them like that and if anything they keep so well that I usually have to throw them out cause I’m bored with the color. They usually last 7-8 months for me.

  • 14 yrs ago

    I have read not to put nail polish in the fridge because it doesn’t take too kindly to extreme temperature changes. Best to keep it a dark place that is not too hot or not too cool. 🙂

  • 14 yrs ago

    Oh dear, I still don’t know what to do. Muraljewel, do you put the polishes in the door of the fridge or the main part? My polishes include Orly, OPI, China Glaze. Do you also put basecoat and topcoat in the fridge? x

  • 14 yrs ago

    muraljewel that’s so weird, maybe it depends on the type of nail polish?

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