16 yrs, 10 mths ago

When your man gets “comfortable”

I’m a bit worried about my Love, as he’s beginning to get a noticeable bulge of fat around his stomach; everywhere else he is a beanpole. He is 6′ and about 80kg. He used to be under 55kg (despite trying to gain) so I don’t want to tell him outright that he is a bit big in one area in case he gets very upset and goes too far the other way. And he has told me to tell him if I think he’s “in trouble” with shape or weight.

How can I kindly point out that he is a bit bulgy? I don’t mind it much because it’s nice for a man to have some meat, but he did ask me to tell him if it looked out of proportion. I love him and want to help him but I’m scared this will upset him.

19 comments 32 voices


  • 16 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I have been with my boyfriend for a VERY long time and over this time we have both gotten in our `comfort zone` and put weight on. Although i still put alot of effort into maintaing myself i do think that i need to loose a few kgs and so does my boyfriend. He has had over a month off work from a broken arm and a week afer it healed he got 6 or so stitches in his leg from a surfing accident and has had another week off work. Meaning he has no holidays left and alot of excess weight to `work off`. He is always telling me he is goin to start goin for jogs or goin to join the footy club but i havent seen anything happen as of yet. So i keep on reminding him of his goals and tell him how hot he is goin to look once hes started to tone up. and maybe one day fingers crossed he will start doing something for him self but in the meantime i love him for who he is. Motivation and support is the key 😉 we cant all be perfect but close enough is good enough 🙂

  • 16 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Haha a bribe is such a good idea 😛 Maybe you could take up this idea Redlox hehe. I think that exercising together is a good idea. Maybe you could have a pillow fight or wrestle lol 😛

  • 16 yrs, 8 mths ago

    My boyf has been trying to lose weight, so I set him a small goal (a fortnight at a time) and bribe him with lingerie (for me, ofcourse) and it seems to work! For someone who ALWAYS gives up on his diets he has done really really well =D

  • 16 yrs, 10 mths ago

    When I`m being mean I just tell my bf flat out that he needs to exercise. When I am being nice I tell him how much sexier he would be if he had a little muscle tone. I like the idea about getting him to exercise with you. Ask him to do it as a favour to you even if it is just for him.

  • 16 yrs, 10 mths ago

    We are meant to do the same, jbell, but I`m still conscious of hurting people. Perhaps I do need to get over this as I`m sensitive and think of consequences too much. I will use weights in front of him and ask him tips as I do need them, and he may get into it with me 🙂
    rhijayne, being a bigger girl is fine so if he does get too overbearing on you, tell him to get on his bike :p

  • 16 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Yes it is a good way for sure and our relationship has been really good.We don`t like to be nasty to each other about things so that was the way we decided to work it.

  • 16 yrs, 10 mths ago

    thats a good way to go. i think thats how you can tell a good relationship. i admire you jbell38.

  • 16 yrs, 10 mths ago

    I just tell my fiancee how i see it and he is the same with me.We like to be honest and say what we think because then whatever is going wrong we can work on it together

  • 16 yrs, 10 mths ago

    oh and my boy not getting a belly he has just started a big health kick and he got wieghts for x mas. i work at a gym keep pretty fit even though im a bigger girl but how do you tell ur man he needs to slow down b4 his guns explode! he even started watching what i eat.

  • 16 yrs, 10 mths ago

    i have a im gonna do man too. he is a really talented dj and wont do anything to get out there he is always telling me how he is gonna do this a nd that but as yet i been the one to do it or i had to push him out the door. and bikes dont get me started sometimes io think he loves that bike more then me!!!

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