17 yrs, 1 mth ago

tips for keeping teeth white

Just wondering if people could spill on their teeth whitenng tips, i’ve got some…
read these the other day..
blend strawberries with bicarb and leave on teeth for 5 mins the acid in the strawberries is meant to whiten teeth, be sure to full rinse off though
drinking coffee and coke through a straw… (coke yeah but coffee, a little weird)
rinsing mouth with dilluted peroxide
apple after each meal, good for digestion aswell
anyone got anymore:?

30 comments 32 voices


  • 6 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Whiteglo is the only toothpaste I found that has whitened my teeth. Currently using Colgate Optic White but doesnt give the same results. I also rinse my mouth with water after drinking tea, coffee or colourful drinks/food like beetroot and tumeric.

  • 6 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Personally I use Colgate charcoal toothpaste then once a month a make a paste of bicarb with a little lemon juice and water.

  • 6 yrs, 6 mths ago

    good info from the comments. thanks!

  • 6 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Some good tips here. I`ve seen on pinterest mixing peroxide with baking soda and toothpaste once a week.

  • 6 yrs, 9 mths ago

    My teeth are discoloured but I do not see myself drinking hot tea or coffee through a straw. Iced tea and coffe yes.

    I tried that strawberry trick, I didn`t notice any difference but I guess, like with most `naturaly remedies` you would need to be prepared to usw a product for many months, even years to notice a difference.

    I have also tried swishing with coconut oil for many minutes each morning but I`m still waiting to see any (positive) results.

  • 7 yrs, 4 mths ago

    Did you ever try Activated Charcoal? Drinking too much coffee also made my teeth yellow and stained. It was really looking pretty bad. There wans`t any smell but it looks likes damn bad. I know hydrogen peroxide works good but I think home remedies of Apple cider vinegar also works great to whiten your teeth but if you don`t have time to create any home remedy, then you should probably try Activated Charcoal. I got it my first one on discounted price here -https://teethbright.com.au/ may be you can try too.

  • 10 yrs, 4 mths ago

    I love the Colgate Optic White pen. I`ve been using the toothpaste for a few months, but haven`t seen a whole lot of change. But since using the gel daily, my teeth have considerably whitened. My partner and sister have both noticed – and I have too!! I`m really happy with the results and I`ll buy another one when this runs out.  

  • 11 yrs, 7 mths ago

    I think white glo gives me pimples around my mouth, has anyone else experienced this with any tooth pastes? I will more than likely purchase colgate optic white next shopping trip!

  • 11 yrs, 7 mths ago

    My dentist suggests to concentrate brushing on the sides of the teeth, this is where plaque really starts to form and this is the hardest area to keep clean.
    So its good to turn the toothbrush in an angle to brush properly on the sides of the tooth, which is basically the space between a tooth and the other tooth next to it.

  • 11 yrs, 7 mths ago

    Thanks for the opinions on Optic White! I have wanted to try it but not sure whether to buy into their marketing and I also baulked at the price. Is it a toothpaste or is it like a treatment to be used on top of normal toothpaste? Might have to give it a shot – I don`t drink tea or coffee, but cola and Red Bull so teeth are starting to stain..

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