15 yrs, 4 mths ago

Stabbing pain

Hi girls,

I have been in excruciating pain for months. The best way I can describe it is that someone is stabbing me in the uterus.

I’ve been to the doctors with the usual “you’re just ovulating” but it happens ALL through the month. It will come and go but can sometimes be a dull ache.

Anyone else experience a similar pain? It is uncomfortable!

Any previous experiences will be much appreciated but I know I will have to go to my gyno but I’m just curious to know what other girls go through.

Thanks heaps!

21 comments 32 voices


  • 15 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Beautygeek, I hope you are doing okay two months on…..

  • 15 yrs, 3 mths ago

    Beautygeek , please put your health first ? Beside more things to dream about when your health is better . take care xxx

  • 15 yrs, 3 mths ago

    Good luck beautygeek, I hope all goes well. xxx

  • 15 yrs, 3 mths ago

    Health comes first hun, products can wait 😉
    All the best

  • 15 yrs, 3 mths ago

    Iluvfacialz you are spot on! I saw the Gyno yesterday and he said that it would most likely be Endometriosis but he won`t know for sure until he does a Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy so I have to go into hospital for that. Stupid part is – public is a 12 month wait and I don`t have health cover so I am going to have to fork out $1500- $2000 for private. Damn it! Imagine how many products I could buy with that. Sighs

    Spending so much money on non visual things sucks!

    Thank you all for your support xx

  • 15 yrs, 3 mths ago

    hey, it sounds like it could be endometriosis. That is sooo painful and you get the stabbing pains in the same area. It is quite common. Hope you find out for sure what it is. Good luck.

  • 15 yrs, 3 mths ago

    haaayy beautygeek, hope your ok and its nothing too serious. Let us know what happens…xoxo

  • 15 yrs, 4 mths ago

    I agree hopefully you will get some answers soon darl 🙂

  • 15 yrs, 4 mths ago

    Good luck with that beautygeek, I think it is a good idea that you are going to a specialist. xxx

  • 15 yrs, 4 mths ago

    Okay update- Doctor had no idea what it is so has now referred my to a Gyno. Frustrating!

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