I`ve never understood why people want to look the same as everyone else – particularly blonde. I`m a natural blonde, I`ve darkened a bit over the years, hence I get highlights, but I only get them done every 3 or 4 months as I just don`t get bad re-growth. But no way I would be this blonde otherwise – one of my friends gets her hair done every month to stay blonde! It`s just ridiculous I think! It`s like Lindsay Lohan going blonde – when she had the most beautiful UNIQUE hair colour…as did nicole…but everyone wants to look like a barbie clone?? I don`t even wear pink much as I don`t want to look like a typical barbie clone, and I don`t have the guts to go brunette coz too scared it won`t suit and it`ll take too long to return to my natural hair colour!