17 yrs, 4 mths ago

My Fringe!

Hi Girls and Style Conscience Guys,

I have recently got my hair cut and it looks (correction Looked) great. After walking out of the salon I felt Fab.
Now 1 week on I can seem to do anything with it. My fringe looks flat and oily and by the end of a long day at work it is in pieces stuck to my forehead….. not a good look for an hour train ride home.

I have tried blowdrying and straightening and it just doesnt seemto work.

If any one has any suggestions…. I would be forever grateful. I am wiling to try almost anything.

I dont want to do the Britt and Shave it…. but it is starting to look like a better option that what I’ve got….. HELP!


32 comments 32 voices


  • 6 yrs, 7 mths ago

    Hi Amy,

    I feel your pain I had the same problem but a bit less than you if that makes sense. I just let mine grow, fringes are so high maintenance and because I have a busy life I can`t maintain it and according to my mom and my husband it made me look older so nope, hahaha. Good luck and don`t give up!

  • 6 yrs, 7 mths ago

    How about you bring a dry shampoo with you? Have 1 in your office and whenever you feel oily just spray it.

  • 6 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I was always told by my hairdresser to achieve volume or to work my fringe to spray hair spray at top tease it a bit then either straighten or style it how I want it

  • 7 yrs, 6 mths ago

    I like my bangs to be off my face, but when I keep pushing them off my face that adds to the oiliness. One thing I like to do is use a bit of gel, comb it back and then dry without touching. It can be brushed out when dry. That seems to give it a bit more texture.

  • 7 yrs, 6 mths ago

    I like my bangs to be off my face, but when I keep pushing them off my face that adds to the oiliness. One thing I like to do is use a bit of gel, comb it back and then dry without touching. It can be brushed out when dry. That seems to give it a bit more texture.

  • 16 yrs, 5 mths ago

    yeah its such a problem when your fringe is oily lol. i find washing my hair every second day helps reduce oil.

  • 16 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Lip gloss addict is right, you can wash just your fringe everyday, just lean over in the sink and do it then set it with a blowdryer. because there is already so much oil in your fringe everyday, shampooing it everyday will not dry your hair out because it already is so oily.

  • 16 yrs, 5 mths ago

    What a great post, wish I`d read it months ago after i just got mine cut.
    I used a round brush and hair dryer on high setting then brush it down. I only take my foundation up to just past my brows to stop excess oil/shine in hair and I used Klorane hair shampoo spray which stops the shine each morning before I face the world.
    Hope this provides `fringe benefits` to other girls out there xx

  • 16 yrs, 5 mths ago

    i have a full straight fringe too and i hate it when it starts to grow out or go funny! i have to straighten it everyday because otherwise it goes curly. i know your pain amurr!

  • 16 yrs, 5 mths ago

    When I have had a fringe in the past I washed and blow-dried it everyday (my fringe only, not the rest of my hair) using a round brush and then let it set in a large velcro roller for a few minutes. I liked the idea of having a fringe, and it looked good in the mornings when I did it but my hair is too fine for a fringe and it just never sat right. Sad though cause its a cool look!

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