13 yrs, 10 mths ago

my best friend is moving :(

hi guys just wanted to say my best friend is moving schools and we have been besties for almost 5 years and nothing can stop her moving i cant move and im really upset because i dont wont to loose her as my friend. she is the only real friend i have, at my school there is a lot of people that bully me and dont paticularly like me so im scared that when she moves i will have no one to stick up for me.
im posting this because i need to talk to some one and i was hoping that maybe you guys could give me some ideas of how i can sort of deal with all this…..
thanks xx

7 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I’m sorry to hear that Maddybff

    My best friend moved schools when I was in high school, at the end of year nine and I can really relate to what you have written because I remember how hard it was.

    Firstly, there is no reason why the two of you can’t remain great friends. When my friend moved schools we didn’t even have mobile phones let alone the world wide web at our finger tips! Take the time to stay in touch via texts and on facebook or whatever and make regular plans to catch up in person. My friend and I figured out which train station was half-way between us and regularly caught up at a cafe nearby.

    On the topic of bullying, this is something else that I can relate to. I was bullied a lot in primary school and the younger years of high school simply because I was different. I found that as the years passed I paid less and less attention to the nasty comments coming from “the cool people”. When you don’t let the negativity in (I know – much easier said than done) it’s a lot less likely to get into your head space and it’s a lot easier to blow it all off as the stupidity it is.

    Be true to yourself, and know that you’re fantastically brilliant and beautiful just as you are. The more confidence you have the harder it is to target you! Practise your ‘piss off, I don’t care’ face in the mirror 😉

    Good luck with it all 🙂 I’m sure if you and your friend make the effort, then moving schools shouldn’t be something to drive you apart.

    aww thank you so much you made me feel a lot better 🙂

    your welcome 🙂 have you got through the tough first days yet?

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    thank you to everyone:) you all made me feel a lot better, i even shed a tear or to reading some of the replies, a lot of you asked how far a way she is moving and its all good because she is only moving to a nother school in the area so its fine in that way i am sure we willl still catch up alot and talk to each other all the time.
    the part i am most scared about is what bullies/nasty people are going to say or do to me. i get teased quite a bit and my friend who is moving is the only one who will stick up for me and let me cry on her shoulder, i am gonna be lost without her…
    i am sure i will cope the first couple of day will be the hardest.

    but thank you all for caring and showing your love xx thank you

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    I’m sorry to hear that Maddybff

    My best friend moved schools when I was in high school, at the end of year nine and I can really relate to what you have written because I remember how hard it was.

    Firstly, there is no reason why the two of you can’t remain great friends. When my friend moved schools we didn’t even have mobile phones let alone the world wide web at our finger tips! Take the time to stay in touch via texts and on facebook or whatever and make regular plans to catch up in person. My friend and I figured out which train station was half-way between us and regularly caught up at a cafe nearby.

    On the topic of bullying, this is something else that I can relate to. I was bullied a lot in primary school and the younger years of high school simply because I was different. I found that as the years passed I paid less and less attention to the nasty comments coming from “the cool people”. When you don’t let the negativity in (I know – much easier said than done) it’s a lot less likely to get into your head space and it’s a lot easier to blow it all off as the stupidity it is.

    Be true to yourself, and know that you’re fantastically brilliant and beautiful just as you are. The more confidence you have the harder it is to target you! Practise your ‘piss off, I don’t care’ face in the mirror 😉

    Good luck with it all 🙂 I’m sure if you and your friend make the effort, then moving schools shouldn’t be something to drive you apart.

    aww thank you so much you made me feel a lot better 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    This sounds terrible, I’m sorry that you’e going through this. I’ve known my best friend for ten years and I don’t know what I’d do without her…and it was in high school where we really formed out friendship.

    How far away is your friend moving? Is it somewhere that’s too far for you to go and visit her once in awhile, or vice versa? It will be difficult but I’m sure e-mail, phone calls and texting regularly will help. Sometimes if you communicate enough in other ways with people you don’t see often, it doesn’t seem as if you don’t see them much. I have friends that I don’t get to see for months but I don’t really notice because we text everyday and know what’s going on in eachother’s lives.

    As for getting bullied at school, that really sucks. There is a group of those girls at every single school, trust me. I don’t know why they are the way they are but for some reason, they get off on making other people feel bad about themselves. I know it must seem hard and graduation must feel like a billion years away but when you finish high school, life will be much better. There’s no room for lame cliques like this in uni and you will definitely find a group of people who will get along with and be able to relate to.

    For the moment, try to make some new friends. There must be some people who aren’t as horrible as the ones who bully you so maybe you can make some new friendships.

    Hope everything gets better and that you manage to stay in close touch with your friend, hang in there:)

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    really sorry that you have to deal with 2 awful situations at the same time:(!

    Hopefully you and your friend can catch up on the weekend and have a blast! and in the mean time, bullying is a serious problem and you should stand up for your self when they say nasty things to you or tell a teacher you trust!

    I was bullied until year 9 and I just had to move schools so I know exactly what that feels like and now that I am older, I look back and think what was the point of all those bitchy girls saying nasty things? Its because they were insecure and the feeling of having the upper hand is like a form of security for them!

    I hope all goes well and hope the rest of your high school years is better then expected 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Hi Maddy!
    I am really sorry to hear that people at your school are so awful!. I was treated pretty badly in high school too and turns out I still have some insecurities from it! .(slowly getting better over time)..my advice is like what Spunkx said…to keep in really good contact with your good friend! Remember she will be missing you too! try to catch up as much as you can! how far away from you will she be??
    School is pretty awful when you feel alone. but use the time to study! thats all you can do! and see if there is at least one nice teacher that can look out for you! you never know you might meet someone at school that is feeling exactly the same as you . But if not…try to remember that the people that are mean to you are just losers (this was the nicest way to say what they are)… and they are having the best time of their lives right now…..for you tho your life will get better over time and after school!! in my experience the mean people in school are all now either pregnant with their 3rd child -no partner or on a LOT of drugs. so school was there best time haha
    Everyone that was in the uncool group is actually doing well in life! haha a little karma i think!!:):)

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    I’m sorry to hear that Maddybff.

    My best friend moved schools when I was in high school, at the end of year nine and I can really relate to what you have written because I remember how hard it was.

    Firstly, there is no reason why the two of you can’t remain great friends. When my friend moved schools we didn’t even have mobile phones let alone the world wide web at our finger tips! Take the time to stay in touch via texts and on facebook or whatever and make regular plans to catch up in person. My friend and I figured out which train station was half-way between us and regularly caught up at a cafe nearby.

    On the topic of bullying, this is something else that I can relate to. I was bullied a lot in primary school and the younger years of high school simply because I was different. I found that as the years passed I paid less and less attention to the nasty comments coming from “the cool people”. When you don’t let the negativity in (I know – much easier said than done) it’s a lot less likely to get into your head space and it’s a lot easier to blow it all off as the stupidity it is.

    Be true to yourself, and know that you’re fantastically brilliant and beautiful just as you are. The more confidence you have the harder it is to target you! Practise your ‘piss off, I don’t care’ face in the mirror 😉

    Good luck with it all 🙂 I’m sure if you and your friend make the effort, then moving schools shouldn’t be something to drive you apart.

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