17 yrs, 1 mth ago

Long hair

does everyone ever wish to have hair like rapunsel?
just a quick vote and opinions what you girls think of
long hair? and if so does anyone actually know how to make hair grow quicker?
ive been reading about this alot but cant find really anything that helps
they say you cant make your hair grow faster can someone tell me what works for them?

24 comments 32 voices


  • 17 yrs ago

    my hair is just past shoulder length its pretty versitile. i cant grow it long tho cause i straighten it to much nd get split ends heaps. so i get alot taken off. 🙁 i wish my hair was long

  • 17 yrs ago

    i wanted long hair but everytime i go to the hairdresser i always end up getting too much cut off for what has grown. Apparently if you get your hair cut reguarly (every 6 weeks) it will be healthier and grow faster. i agree that longer hair is more versatile but short hair looks good on some people too. Personal preference i guess but at the moment i`m envying those who said they had long hair!

  • 17 yrs ago

    I think hair grows slower the longer it is. I have medium length and I wish I had longer hair as well, though to have it so long that it touches the ground when you stand up is just too high maintenance.

  • 17 yrs ago

    ive had long and short hair..short hair tends to make me long tomboyish and cosidering i have a square face, it makes my face look more harder and ill snobby (if that made sense!). my hair is currently reaching my back (waist if straightened) and i love the compliments i get. sure its hard to manage but if u style and care for it properly it frames u amazingly!

  • 17 yrs ago

    long hair is much more versatile than short hair, you can put it in all sorts of different styles, but io always get a nagging feeling to just let loose and chop it all off GASP! i`ve always wanted to try a really short style, like halle berry`s short crop, but last time i had a short hair cut, let`s just say it didnt go too well!

  • 17 yrs ago

    pepsi you have replica posts
    i like my mid kengthed hair too

  • 17 yrs ago

    i have had really long hair and i have had really short hair, they both have advantages and disadvantages, now my hair is middle of my back and i like it there, long hair has virtually no bad hair days, if you cant be bothered, you just brush and pull into a pony tail, but if you want something special you brush and leave it long, it looks awesome. you can also do a lot of things with long hair, short hair is far more limiting.

  • 17 yrs ago

    i have had really long hair and i have had really short hair, they both have advantages and disadvantages, now my hair is middle of my back and i like it there, long hair has virtually no bad hair days, if you cant be bothered, you just brush and pull into a pony tail, but if you want something special you brush and leave it long, it looks awesome. you can also do a lot of things with long hair, short hair is far more limiting.

  • 17 yrs ago

    i have had really long hair and i have had really short hair, they both have advantages and disadvantages, not my hair is middle of my back and i like it there, long hair has virtually no bad hair days, if you cant be bothered, you just brush and pull into a pony tail, but if you want something special you brush and leave it long, it looks awesome. you can also do a lot of things with long hair, short hair is far more limiting.

  • 17 yrs ago

    I love long hair! My hair falls to the middle of my back, and at that level it`s really manageable. There are so many styles you can have it in, and on a bad hair day, just tie it up in a ponytail!

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