17 yrs, 1 mth ago

ingrown hairs

I find that I get a lot of ingrown hairs from waxing especially around the bikini line area. I do exfoliate in the shower to try and prevent them but I still get them. There are a lot of products on the market to remove ingrown hairs. Does anyone use? and what is the best product to use?

22 comments 32 voices


  • 16 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Yeah nads is a great product to use

  • 16 yrs, 11 mths ago

    I have used a Nads ingrown solution but its a gel rather than spray. After you get out of the shower and have exfoliated put the gel on. If you see any obvious ingrowns starting, just pluck them!

  • 16 yrs, 11 mths ago

    I used to use an expensive salon ingrown hair cream, but it didn`t work – even though it was expensive!

    I have shocking bikini ingrowns, as well as leg ingrowns (below the knee on my outer legs – I think it is because my gym pants tend to rub there) and get professional waxing done and also exfoliate and moisturise regularly. It is awful! Plus when I see an ingrown developing I like to try to get the hair out. I know people say it will eventually come out, but I have had some ingrowns that are so painful and look like boils. The hair ends up being almost 2cm long!

    The ingrowns are the only thing that could stop me from waxing. I`ll try the nads product if people think it works. Otherwise a mens aftershave balm might just work. My boyfriend has a few he never uses, so I might steal them!

  • 16 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Veet has products to remove ingrown hairs.

  • 16 yrs, 11 mths ago

    I used to use “”ingrow go”” before i did laser, sorry i can`t remember the company that sells it but that used to work well, only problem is, it used to take off the nail polish off the nails.

  • 16 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Perhaps that Veet gel which is meant to make hairs fall out (for use in shower) works as well….but if it did, it woul dbe all over this website I guess.

  • 16 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Nads is really good

  • 17 yrs ago

    I use a tea tree oil lotion which works ok – you can get it from http://www.biziworks.com.au/biziworks/BiziGen?ownerID=JDOUSHA&docID=295 – I got mine off ebay, it`s an ahava product – if you can`t find it just google `tea tree ingrown` and you`ll find it! I`m interested in trying the veet stuff though…

  • 17 yrs ago

    It seems a lot of us have the same problem. i never thought to use a mens after shave lotion before, but i will have to try it. i have tried the new Veet one, its okay but it stings a little. someone told me to use a bit of tea tree oil. has anyone heard of that?

  • 17 yrs ago

    I never thought of using men`s after shave lotion on myself! I`ll have to try it!

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