16 yrs, 3 mths ago

How can I become confident?

I am sick of being a quivering jellyfish of self-doubt, and being somewhat sensitive to what some people think (e.g. a family member) – maybe akin to paranoia.
For the most part I am pleased with myself and I am not trying to be anyone else, but I do not have much confidence. I cower if people become angry or upset with me, even if I know that I have the correct viewpoint on a certian issue. I do have plenty of faults like anyone else and I try to become better at meeting those, and I sometimes fail (e.g. staying in regular contact via phonecalls).

How can I stop bowing to everyone’s arse and care less about people’s reactions? How can I become happier mentally (which will reflect physically)?

276 comments 32 voices


  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    i brought a book 10 steps to self confidence it worked for me now I am no longer the quivery girl next door
    takes a while to build confidence with in your self and good luck

  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    i brought a book 10 steps to self confidence it worked for me now I am no longer the quivery girl next door
    takes a while to build confidence with in your self and good luck

  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    i brought a book 10 steps to self confidence it worked for me now I am no longer the quivery girl next door
    takes a while to build confidence with in your self and good luck

  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Sometimes I have trouble finding confidence too. Sometimes I feel really confident and make jokes with people about how hot i feel.
    & then other days, I don`t want to show my face.
    But I guess you have to look at other people around you. There might always be someone that little bit better looking, but its really all thats inside that counts. I know that a lot of people just judge eachother on the outside these days, but look at the people that are around you, that love you for you. They don`t care, so I spose we shouldnt either. :]
    Lol, I tried to explain, but I`m no good at explaining feelings and my opinions that well…

  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Sometimes I have trouble finding confidence too. Sometimes I feel really confident and make jokes with people about how hot i feel.
    & then other days, I don`t want to show my face.
    But I guess you have to look at other people around you. There might always be someone that little bit better looking, but its really all thats inside that counts. I know that a lot of people just judge eachother on the outside these days, but look at the people that are around you, that love you for you. They don`t care, so I spose we shouldnt either. :]
    Lol, I tried to explain, but I`m no good at explaining feelings and my opinions that well…

  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Sometimes I have trouble finding confidence too. Sometimes I feel really confident and make jokes with people about how hot i feel.
    & then other days, I don`t want to show my face.
    But I guess you have to look at other people around you. There might always be someone that little bit better looking, but its really all thats inside that counts. I know that a lot of people just judge eachother on the outside these days, but look at the people that are around you, that love you for you. They don`t care, so I spose we shouldnt either. :]
    Lol, I tried to explain, but I`m no good at explaining feelings and my opinions that well…

  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    tell the people who get you down to shove it and get a life of there own!

  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    tell the people who get you down to shove it and get a life of there own!

  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    tell the people who get you down to shove it and get a life of there own!

  • 16 yrs, 2 mths ago

    OMG Kat1 good girl, that is really exciting.
    hey i was thinking of you today and had this random thought pop into my head (it usually happens at 2am but thank god it was breakfast) anyyyyyyway, and this is if this other role doesn`t happen immediately, you could move to the ski fields or one of the islands on the great barrier reef and just reception work or something in one of the hotels. you could lead a nice fun transient life for a year or 2 and even work over seas at different ski resorts etc.
    i know a few people that have done that and they love it.
    you`d build confidence and make so many friends from all over the world. travellers are so accomodating and welcoming so you`d have no probs making new friends. you just have to be prepared to party and have fun even if you feel tired sometimes. haha. anyways, just a thought.

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