help i have insomnia
Is there anything i can do? I have tried natural sleep pills ….dont work and i cant sleep atleast 3 nights a week and have a toddler and seem to have no energy to do much when havent gotten enough sleep tossing and turning driving me insane! i have a drs apoint in thurs but is there anything i can do that will help?
13 yrs, 9 mths ago
Stress never helps when you want a good nights sleep, on a bright note at least you know what is stressing you so you can try and keep it under some control. Change can always be stressful, I hope your move goes well Shull87. I moved 1000’s kn and over water away from my whole family alone and understand how scary and stressful it can be, but from experience it does get easier 🙂
13 yrs, 9 mths ago
Thank you , you wonderful girls i have been getting better lately …. just a little stressful week i think i am just worried about moving so far away from my family.. i only see them occasionally but still :S…. me bubz and hubby are moving 5 hrs away and its just a big move and a little worried
13 yrs, 9 mths ago
Also a bit of lavender oil on your pillow can help. Or an oil burner with lavender. You probably have too many ideas now 😉
13 yrs, 9 mths ago
Hi Shull87, St Johns Wort is good for that and stress related things just be sure to check with the dr or pharmacist as it can interact with other meds. I use rescue remedy and like it 🙂 I haven’t tried restavit but have had a different thing dr prescribed that can have similar effects to what you mention here. I was frustrated as like you said it makes you tired but you still need to be able to get out there and live your daily activities. Its a fine line!
I love the sound of the tea iconic and Amanda6393, I love tea (never drink coffee) so will have to try this, Thanks for the suggestion. -
13 yrs, 9 mths ago
I was told when i saw the dr today even something like st johns wort if it is stress related or otherwise:
Rescue remedy or circadin – she gave me a script for that one.
I tried restivit that the pharmacist gave me cos i was deserate and 1 knocked me out they say 1 or 2 omg it didnt ware off all day and it says dont use heavy machinery etc… omg never again i couldnt do much the simplest things were so hard and my head was sore and i just wanted to sleep all day but i cant!
13 yrs, 9 mths ago
I recommend the twinning’s chamomile tea with honey and vanilla infusion. Trust me, the smell is absolutely amazing and relaxing. I swear by this tea, it is absolutely gorgeous, just the right blend.
However, if you are like the rest of my family, you might hate the taste. 😛 But they did agree that the smell was sensational.I love this tea as well! I have 2 cups a day and it’s soooo good! I’ve just noticed they’ve reduced it to clear stock at my local Coles, so it had better be available elsewhere in town!!! I’ve stocked up in the meantime 🙂
13 yrs, 9 mths ago
I think Shopaholicshell pretty much covered most things, but I also find playing some quiet relaxing music (natural type) helps me drowse off. And make sure you’re getting enough exercise!
13 yrs, 9 mths ago
I recommend the twinning’s chamomile tea with honey and vanilla infusion. Trust me, the smell is absolutely amazing and relaxing. I swear by this tea, it is absolutely gorgeous, just the right blend.
However, if you are like the rest of my family, you might hate the taste. 😛 But they did agree that the smell was sensational. -
13 yrs, 9 mths ago
Its great that you spoke to the dr and they have a plan to help you. If you are concerned about taking the stilnox just be sure to follow Dr’s instructions exactly and let them know how they work (good and bad) for you. I have heard different stories about stilnox but not tried it. Its probably different for everyone, take care and I hope you are able to get a good nights sleep 🙂
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