15 yrs, 3 mths ago

Cheapest place to find a GHD/straightner?

So my fiancee has put me in charge of finding a reasonabley priced GHD for him mum for christmas. If not a GHD then a very good straightner. Can any of you ladies suggest where i might find a GHD (under $200 if possible??) or name a really nice straightner which is in the $100-$200 range?

18 comments 32 voices


  • 15 yrs, 3 mths ago

    Yeah Strawberry I was sooooooo tempted to buy a GHD for that price for my b’day as a treat, as its quite a bit cheaper than what my SIL (she owns a salon) can get them for. Decided to buy some clothes with that money instead. But I still vow to buy myself a GHD one day.
    After all the warnings on counterfeits on the web I decided to do a bit of research and was also amazed by the number of sites that sell fakes, but would rather be safe than sorry if I’m going to spend that much on a straightener.

  • 15 yrs, 3 mths ago

    Wow, i never thought there’d be so many fakes around!! o.O;
    @Hatoo – thats not too bad, $180 is pretty damn good for a GHD. Hmm, so tempted..

  • 15 yrs, 3 mths ago

    Nooo what a shame, i thought i’d found a real bargain. Lucky i hadn’t ordered it yet! Thank you so much Hatoo!!

  • 15 yrs, 3 mths ago

    Oh my! Lots of fakes! I’d rather directly buy from the GHD website, even salons are dodgy sometimes!
    I don’t have a GHD and keen on VS sassoon Goddess. I just checked out the video reviews on BH, looks pretty good! $135 is a great bargain Mel85. I”l start to look around 🙂

  • 15 yrs, 3 mths ago

    thanks for info on fakes. I checked on the website for Salon Locations and that place at the mall is selling real ones – so that’s something to look out for if anyone is in the Sydney area and interested.

  • 15 yrs, 3 mths ago

    I highly recommend the VS Goddess. I got mine for $135 (brand new, all checked out), but you can get them for around $150-$160 at most places. It worked better than the GHD on my hair, I love it, and the BH trial team gave it a run through and liked it too, that’s my recommendation 🙂

  • 15 yrs, 3 mths ago

    here’s a more comprehensive list of fake ghd sites: UPDATED 30/10/2009 http://www.leonbrant.com.au/webpage.php?display=item&id=34
    edit: too long to post, so will have to check that link, but ghd-retail.com is also on that list

    another useful link: http://www.compareghd.com/fake-ghd-easy-waste-61-173.html

  • 15 yrs, 3 mths ago

    sorry friend that website has counterfeit ghd’s, best not to buy unless there
    it comes up as caution unknown seller on the ghd beware imitations website checker and this link from yahoo : http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090922173949AAPoFCt

  • 15 yrs, 3 mths ago


    No joke, the GHD’s here are authentic and cheap as chips! Ranging from $130-$180, they’re from the US but they offer free express postage.

    Getting myself one for Xmas!

  • 15 yrs, 3 mths ago

    Asos.com are authorised resellers that sell genuine GHD’s. They have a current special of a GHD iv salon styler with free thermo protector for £89 . They have a flat shipping rate of £10 so £99 equates to about $180.

    Bide GHD has some info about fakes on their site: http://www.ghdhair.com/customer-care/counterfeit
    if you click on online tools, find an approved online retailer, it lists the approved resellers.
    or you can check a site here: http://www.ghdhair.com/beware-imitations/website-checker

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