13 yrs, 10 mths ago

Year or 11!!

Hey beuaties,
today i was watching TMZ and this thing popped on about how if you plus the year you were born (last two numbers) plus the agge you are turning thiss year it will equall 111, IT WORKS FOR EVERYONE!! kind of freaky, what are your thoughsts? try it out and tell me (:

15 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    haha yeah, it really isn’t that weird.
    your year of birth + any random number = the year you turn that age, so
    your year of birth + your age this year = 2011
    all that’s different here is that the 1900 is excluded, hence the 111 (2011 – 1900 = 111) and why years 2000+ only get 11

    lol your way makes a lot more sense! well done livvie

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    LOL it even works for my puppy crazy !

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    haha yeah, it really isn’t that weird.
    your year of birth + any random number = the year you turn that age, so
    your year of birth + your age this year = 2011
    all that’s different here is that the 1900 is excluded, hence the 111 (2011 – 1900 = 111) and why years 2000+ only get 11

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    lol I’ve been pondering this thing for a while now, and the little maths nerd in me wants to explain it!!

    say we were back in the year 2000, the last two numbers in the year you were born plus your current age would equal 100.
    eg. if you were born in 1925, you would be turning 75, 25+75 =100
    Now that were 11 years later in 2011 we just add 11 to 100 which makes the sum 111. Next year it will be 112 🙂

    and that is the end of my maths lesson 😛

    Lol! and only a true mathematician would be bothered to work that out 🙂 Well done for giving this topic that extra thought and time 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    lol I’ve been pondering this thing for a while now, and the little maths nerd in me wants to explain it!!

    say we were back in the year 2000, the last two numbers in the year you were born plus your current age would equal 100.
    eg. if you were born in 1925, you would be turning 75, 25+75 =100
    Now that were 11 years later in 2011 we just add 11 to 100 which makes the sum 111. Next year it will be 112 🙂

    and that is the end of my maths lesson 😛

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Works for me and hubby and my youngest son too. Weird isnt it.

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    omg thats so weird it actually worked haha

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    yep works for both me and G, and everyone else I tried! cool!

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    works for me too! 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    95+16 = 111! Freaky!

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