Who out there is also a LENDAN Skin Care lover???
Hello all,
I am currently obsessed with LENDAN Skin Care & want reassurance that I’m not alone.
I have loved every product I’ve tried & am now in a pickle as I want to buy the whole line!!
I must admit I do play favourites and my number one product is the exfoliating cream. It feels amazing leaves my skin looking lush and best of all it smells so fresh! It’s got menthol in it & that scent is to die for.
I went from using an over priced “active treatment product” that did squat to an affordable range that has it’s fair share of intense products.
The last exfoliator I used cost $79 and was awful. This one was $55 and I’m in love go figure!
Guys, find the LENDAN band wagon & jump on it!!!
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