15 yrs ago

to young to be ingrown

my 21 mth old boy has had ingrown toenails since he was two weeks old. I cut little v’s in the top of the nail apply bedadine just like the doc said, but still my little man tells my owch when i point to his toes…. does anyone have any ideas i can try?

2 comments 32 voices


  • 15 yrs ago

    thanks heap 4 that will do the cotton wool is theonly thing i have not tried yet.. lets hope it works. i’ll let u know how i go

  • 15 yrs ago

    Soak your baby’s foot in warm (not hot) soapy water for about ten minutes, two or three times a day. (Most babies love to splash around in water, so it shouldn’t be too hard to convince him to do this.) Afterward, dry it and apply a dab of over-the-counter antibiotic ointment or cream to the problem area.

    You might try gently filing the nail away from the skin. If you can, use your nails to gently lift the toenail and insert a small amount of sterile cotton or gauze between the nail and the skin. Use only enough to raise the nail slightly, and replace the cotton several times a day. (If you can’t get your baby to sit still for this, try it while he’s sleeping.)

    Have your baby wear loose-fitting shoes or sandals until the toe is healed, and let him go barefoot at home. In many cases, an ingrown toenail will improve in a few days once you start taking these steps.

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