13 yrs, 10 mths ago

Thanks for the Prize

Got agreat prize from Beauty Heaven today, thanks alot to all the staff, really made my day, and to all the beauties who enter the comps don’t give up one day you will hopefully get an email too

12 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    congrats on the win!
    lol that dress is very similar to my high school ball dress; same two-tone pinky purple with the little bits of glitter on it. Mine wasn’t quite so poofy though!!

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Congrats on your win, but like everyone, I’d love to know what you won

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Congratulations, What did you win?

    I’m dreaming of winning something some day soon too.

    Nice dress by the way.

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    BH gave away a wedding dress???? I so would’ve entered that comp!

    I would have too. But no comp on a dress. I think wishiwas just added a pic of the girl (she looks excited )

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    BH gave away a wedding dress???? I so would’ve entered that comp!

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    wow that dress is so bright and cheerful… i love it!!
    what did u win?

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    What did you win???

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Congrats on the win wishiwas but there is actually already a thread for these posts. Its called yayyy I won a prize. Here is the link

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    That dress would make a fantastic wedding dress! I’m a real rainbow girl so would love something like this…but my husband is much more conservative and traditional so would have freaked – he made me promise that my dress would be mostly white. I kept that promise – the front was white but the back and the train were teal…so it was mostly white!!

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    That is such a gorgeous dress! I love it!
    By the way, congrats on the win WishIWas20 🙂

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