13 yrs, 11 mths ago

Stopping The Scratch!

I don’t know if I posted this when it happened but November 2009 I tried to give blood but I had too fast a heart rate and wasn’t allowed to…. crushed me at the time because it was something I really wanted to do.

Fast forward a year, I’ve been in the centre 4 times, seen G go through the process, spoken to a few nurses, had a few milkshakes (hehehe), and I finally got up the nerve to try again.

I spoke to the lovely nurse that interviewed G, and she was more than helpful. After giving over my long list of medications (currently on 11 tablets/ 2 puffs [seretide] a day!) I got the all clear to that point, and she took my obs and I got the all clear again! So I booked in for the 29th January.

For those that don’t know, one of the questions is about whether you have cuts or abrasions. And, well, I’m a scratcher. ALWAYS have been, earliest memories are of mum telling me not to scratch my mossie bites! I have some SH (will leave it at that because this is a family friendly forum), and find it hard not to scratch, as well as at bites, inflamed follicles etc.

I’ve gone 2 days now without scratching, and it’s reallllly starting to get to me. Any ideas on what I can do to get through the next week? So far I’ve kept applying moisturiser to my skin and just said no…. but need more help!!!

19 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    I tried all the chemists in my area, and they said that they no longer make paraderm…. tried online too and couldn’t find it on the chemist websites 🙁 But doesn’t matter cause I couldn’t give blood anyways. Heart rate too high again. Very frustrating!

    I actually bought some QV wash last night, and i’m not as itchy in general today, not scratching my arms 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    oh just read that a few other people recommended it too. Because its so great 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    what about a numbing cream so you cant feel it?
    Paraderm is a cheap one &its also antjseptic. Will be next to the Savlon in the first aid section of most stores.

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Hi BG I’d forgotten about Pinetarsol! I used it when I had chickenpox too…it smells erm interesting but really relieves itchiness 🙂

    We have pinetarsol here 24/7 my boy has the worst skin and is allergic to bites, which makes him scratch like mad, this is the only thing I use to wash him with, it really does offer the best relief 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Hi BG I’d forgotten about Pinetarsol! I used it when I had chickenpox too…it smells erm interesting but really relieves itchiness 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Beautygeek I scratch and scratch when I’m stressed out! at absolutely nothing and I know nothing is there but then I get blisters 🙁 I have had some luck though using QV moisturiser that I got in a swap with Melmeko and it’s fabulous! haven’t had any scratching since and it’s been a few months now! come to think of it I haven’t even actually thought about it until I saw this post.

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    I have OCD and one of my compulsions is to scratch, haven’t gotten far enough in therapy (after 4 damn years) to learn a good method for me to not scratch…. so far going out of my mind is working lol… they’re nearly all healed, had 13 on the go…. should be gone by wednesday, yay! that paraderm sounds great curly, might grab some of that!

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    My children have various issues with sensitive skin (grass, insect bites) and I’ve found a bath in pinetarsol is essential for them. Also ‘Paraderm plus’ cream kept in the fridge contains an anaesthetic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. I had chicken pox in my early 20s and I’ve kept Pinetarsol in my house ever since!

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    The best thing to do is not think about it, probs wont be of any help, but maybe keep urself busy and then the itch will subside or have a bath, instead of a shower that may help! good luck (:

  • 13 yrs, 10 mths ago

    Chanellover, I got so faint the first time I went in (prob a good thing I couldn’t give blood!), I highly recommend doing what I’ve done… gradual exposure (also something my psychiatrist taught me)…. I find if you really want to do something you’ll overcome the obstacles. Mine is that I have a HUGE fear of needles and blood tests, but I’ve seen G do it, he’s been fine after, and I just had a blood test on Friday and it was fine. I’ve had up to 8 tries to get blood out of me in the past 🙁

    Thanks for the help everyone, it’s invaluable! xxxxx

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