13 yrs, 6 mths ago

Scared to tell him I’m going away, what should I do?

I’ve recently met an amazing guy and we’ve started to become quite close. We’ve been on one date and I know there’ll be more to come. I’m just scared to tell him that I have an opportunity to go and study overseas next year, for six months beginning in February.

It’s been my dream ever since I was a little girl to go to Italy and study so I’m hoping he’ll understand. On the other hand, I’m worried that he might back away. What do you think I should do? I have to tell him soon but I don’t want to lose him.

16 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Better to tell him now then leave it till the last minute, he may never forgive you if you leave it till late. Six months will go so quick, so i am sure if you mean heaps to him then he could wait six months.

    Advice to you would be to go and follow your dream. My sister gave up her dream for a guy that ended up cheating on her 6 months later, then it was too late to take up the opportunity again, not that this guy will do it to you. But when a once in a lifetime dream opportunity comes up, take it with both hands and have a great time. Once you have children you have another role to play and it means sacrifising a lot of things in life, but well worth it from my experience. So do this before children come along. It will be an awesome adventure and lots to tell your children one day about your journey.

    Now go and live your dream, take care and goodluck 🙂

    P.s i have family in Italy and have been there before, what a wonderful experience you will have, its so beautiful.

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    A study trip to Italy sounds wonderful and an op not to pass up! Spend time with your new guy and see how things are. In a while if its seems serious and ongoing then you could talk to him and together can find a way to make the 6 months study away work with your relastionship. I have done long distance relationship in the past and it worked. Best of luck 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    I think that going overseas for study is such an amazing opportunity – nothing aside from a family emergency could stop me from grabbing something like that right up!

    Six months isn’t a long time at all – with all the technology we have these days, I can go for ages without seeing friends who don’t live nearby and don’t notice!

    It is bad timing that you’ve met such a great guy at this moment but keep in touch while you’re away and see how it is when you get back:)

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Im sure u will pick what is best for you. Only you can choose what to do, let us know what u end up doing. Although sometimes these are once in a lifetime things either way I knoww if i felt strongly about the 2 things it would be oh so hard.

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Go dont make the mistake i did

    I had a chance to work on day dream island as a beauty therapist but turned it down because of my ex. 3 Days later he broke up with me and the job had been taken.

    Oh thats really crap MML. You would have been able to get the beauty therapist experience that you need. Though when did you meet John? Was it when you should have been on Daydream? If so, then maybe it was fate that you didnt end up going!

    I met john around a month and a half later

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Stellina, I am a big believer in fate when it comes to relationships. I am a scientist so not usually into things without proof but so often when it comes to relationships people were just in the right place at the right time. So maybe don’t say anything for a few more weeks to be sure that he is feeling the same way you do but then when you tell him be really excited. If he cares for you then he will be excited too. He might even plan to come over and visit. If not, as the others say 6 months is not long at all.

    I had a friend who met an amazing girl just before he was due to go on the trip of a lifetime. They agreed to end it and just see what happens when he got back. Well, neither saw anyone else and as soon as he was back they got back together and are now getting married (is been about 3 1/2 years since he got back). I guess if the feelings dont go away whilst you are separated then you have something pretty special together.

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Go dont make the mistake i did

    I had a chance to work on day dream island as a beauty therapist but turned it down because of my ex. 3 Days later he broke up with me and the job had been taken.

    Oh thats really crap MML. You would have been able to get the beauty therapist experience that you need. Though when did you meet John? Was it when you should have been on Daydream? If so, then maybe it was fate that you didnt end up going!

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Go dont make the mistake i did

    I had a chance to work on day dream island as a beauty therapist but turned it down because of my ex. 3 Days later he broke up with me and the job had been taken.

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    I agree with a lot of the above comments.

    6 months, the way time is flying these days, is nothing. You’ve got that opportunity and I don’t mean to sound like a pesimist but is giving up that opportunity that WILL work out really worth risking it on a relationship that may not work out?

    If he really likes you too, he wouldn’t deny you such a wonderful opportunity and if he doesn’t like you that much then he doesn’t deserve you in the first place I believe.

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Seriously, 6 months is nothing, especially nowdays with things like Skype, email, facebook, twitter and cheap SMS’s to stay in touch! I had a boyfriend go overseas for a year in the old pen and paper and expensive phone calls era – that was torture!

    I’m going against the grain, and I think it is a bit soon to talk about this after just one date. See how things pan out over the next few weeks, then bring it up. Too much information too soon can scare a guy off, as it can seem like you are looking too far ahead into the future.

    I don’t see that anyone would have a problem with it, maybe he’ll come and visit while you are there! But of course, it his reaction isn’t a positive one, don’t let it stop you going this is a fabulous opportunity and anyone worth having will wait 6 months for you to come back.

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