1 mth, 2 wks ago

RIP Dr Michael Mosley

So sad to hear of the tragic death of Dr Michael Mosley.
His legacy will live on through his tv shows and books which I always enjoyed.

12 comments 12 voices


  • 3 wks, 2 days ago

    every time I see the ad for the tv program that is being aired about him, I feel so sorry and think what a waste of a wonderful talent.

  • 3 wks, 3 days ago

    Such sad news. RIP.

  • 1 mth ago

    Very sad events. I feel for the family 🙁

  • 1 mth, 2 wks ago


  • 1 mth, 2 wks ago

    Very sad news about Dr Michael Mosley. The world has lost a good citizen. Condolences to his family and friends. RIP.

  • 1 mth, 2 wks ago

    RIP Dr Michael Mosley – what a tragedy, but also very strange that no one noticed the body for so long.

  • 1 mth, 2 wks ago

    It was such sad news to hear but it also sounded a bit sus as well and a few others I have spoken to say the same. They searched all the area and then some private boat says they could see the body of someone. It was close to where the pathway was that he walked plus it was near a jetty. Who knows these days but RIP Michael Mosley – so sad for your wife and family.

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by jatzjatz.
  • 1 mth, 2 wks ago

    So many TV doctors are quacks, but Dr Michael Mosley was in a different league – so informative, genuine & always backed up by science!


  • 1 mth, 2 wks ago

    I agree, it’s so very sad and confusing. How did this happen? He was so close to where other tourists were. I have been thinking about him and his family all weekend. I have one of his books and one of his DVDs, which will now be a tribute and a sad reminder of his passing. RIP Dr Mosley, you will be missed.

  • 1 mth, 2 wks ago

    If what they are saying, that he went for a walk and got heat exhaustion, then he should really have known that it was too hot to go for a walk without water and his phone. RIP what a loss to society.

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