17 yrs, 5 mths ago

Ready for summer?

I would really like like to be able to go out with bare legs – kind of immediately as the temperature rises above 24 degrees. But here’s the issue – does it matter that my pins are not in perfect condition for exposure just yet? A little bit too white, too dry and all over too wintry looking. I’m keeping my trousers on.

7 comments 32 voices


  • 17 yrs, 1 mth ago

    you could try johnsons holiday skin it will take care of the whiteness and the dryness at the same time, also nivea shimmering lotion makes legs silky smooth and the shine takes empahsis away from paleness

  • 17 yrs, 3 mths ago

    Hirudoid Bruise Cream is good for bruising, as is anything with Arnica. If you find you bruise easy, you can get arnica from a narturopath or health store to take regularly. If you bruise too easily, see a doctor.
    Fake tans have come such a long way, its worth giving them another try!
    The rule is, exfoliate and wax the day before, and then moisturise at least once a day to maintain your tan for the next week or so. I love Liquid Sun by Vani-T. The also do a Body Custard which is like J&J Holiday skin only better. You can also get their personal tanning mist in a bottle, the same solution as their in salon tan. I wore it for my wedding, and I love it!

  • 17 yrs, 4 mths ago

    K i have extremly bruised and battered lgs from playing sport…. does anyone know a good cream or anything i can use 2 make them look less scarred!???

  • 17 yrs, 4 mths ago

    I`ve just tried Modelco`s new tanning glove. I haven`t tried to fake a tan in a decade or so and have come to the conclusion that I am just too lazy to upkeep one now. Besides I never seem to get every spot no matter how hard I try. I had a white patch on my inner knee 10cm x 4cm! It did give pretty good coverage where I did apply it though.

  • 17 yrs, 4 mths ago

    I agree with Sara, I thought the same thing as my legs are wintery white. I thought about starting to fake it, but I just thought – who cares? So I`m channellng Nicole Kidman! I have decided this year I will make a very conscious effort to be sun smart. Come on girls we need to get away from the mind frame that a tan is `healthy`, pale is pretty too. But of course if you want to be brown Fake is the only safe tan!

  • 17 yrs, 4 mths ago

    I usually do this at night and what I`ve actually started doing is exfoliating my legs in the shower. If you don`t have any body scrubs just make your own… you can find recipes online. Anyways right after your shower do not dry yourself just pat then get body lotion and slather it all over or just your legs. Then put on a robe and keep it on till you go to bed. Make sure you body more lotion on your feet and then some socks. You will not believe how great your skin will start to look.

  • 17 yrs, 4 mths ago

    I love Modelco`s Airbrush Tan in a Can to get a nice bronze colour on my skin. palmers coco butter is good for dry skin and smells nice too.

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