15 yrs, 5 mths ago

Reached purple and need help!!!!!!!!!

Hey, just wondering, when you get the prize what is the packaging like? is it a box? does it have really obvious beautyheaven logos all over it? HELP!

16 comments 32 voices


  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    nah, i live in a family with guys and if they found out that i was like getting makeup for free from a site they would like be like “”what the hell` so yeah. but thanks so much huns for helping me! xxx FOREVER IN dEBT!

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    nah, i live in a family with guys and if they found out that i was like getting makeup for free from a site they would like be like “”what the hell` so yeah. but thanks so much huns for helping me! xxx FOREVER IN dEBT!

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    nah, i live in a family with guys and if they found out that i was like getting makeup for free from a site they would like be like “”what the hell` so yeah. but thanks so much huns for helping me! xxx FOREVER IN dEBT!

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    nah, i live in a family with guys and if they found out that i was like getting makeup for free from a site they would like be like “”what the hell` so yeah. but thanks so much huns for helping me! xxx FOREVER IN dEBT!

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Yeah mine came in one of those padded post bag things too, not really obvious BH logos, just a sweet little message of congrats inside. How come, what`s the matter darl?

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Yeah mine came in one of those padded post bag things too, not really obvious BH logos, just a sweet little message of congrats inside. How come, what`s the matter darl?

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Yeah mine came in one of those padded post bag things too, not really obvious BH logos, just a sweet little message of congrats inside. How come, what`s the matter darl?

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Yeah mine came in one of those padded post bag things too, not really obvious BH logos, just a sweet little message of congrats inside. How come, what`s the matter darl?

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    I have never received any goodies from Bh in a box, they come in a parcel post bag. Don`t worry Stupefiant, great things come to those who wait darl. :0)

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    I have never received any goodies from Bh in a box, they come in a parcel post bag. Don`t worry Stupefiant, great things come to those who wait darl. :0)

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