5 yrs, 9 mths ago

Rapid Loss Trial Team: now recruiting

Hi beauties,

We have an exciting Trial Team coming up for anyone interested in a program to help them lose weight:

Rapid Loss® meal replacement shakes are quick and easy to prepare and will successfully support your long-term weight loss goals. Combined with the Rapid Loss® Weight Management Program, you will learn how to make the right food choices based on your weight loss and fitness goals and help you build lifelong habits to achieve sustained weight loss and lead a healthier lifestyle.

Rapid Loss® shakes are ideal for people who may be finding it difficult to transition from a nutritionally poor, high calorie diet to the healthy, calorie-controlled diet required for weight loss. Meal replacement shakes provide a great tool for making this transition successful.

This will be a 6-week trial and successful Trial Team members will receive 6 weeks’ worth of Rapid Loss shakes (with the requirement to drink TWO meal replacement shakes per day) to help them look and feel their best. Ideally we’d be looking for participants who would like to lose 5-6kg over the 6 week period and we would prefer it if Trial Team members drink the shakes while also following the ‘Rapid Loss Program,’ which you can read about here: https://rapidwellness.com.au/pages/rapid-loss-program-1

Please note:
• Trial Team members must be over 25 years old, and have no intolerances to milk, soy or caffeine.
• Trial Team members will be required to ‘check in’ with bh staff (via email) every week of the trial.
• Trial Team members will be required to submit a review after 2 weeks, and again at the end of the trial.
• Trial Team members must also be comfortable taking before and after photos in active wear ( faces don’t have to be in them), which will be published as part of the Trial Team campaign.

Please email me at Jessica@beautyheaven.com.au if this interests you.

X bh’s Jess

439 comments 35 voices


  • 1 yr, 4 mths ago

    @BeautyPrincess9911 reported for spam.

  • 1 yr, 4 mths ago

    How digital solutions improve regulatory compliance: Facility documentation
    With the increasing volume and complexity of healthcare regulations, maintaining compliance can be a daunting task for healthcare organizations. But digital solutions can help simplify the process and ensure accuracy and efficiency. Explores the advantages of using technology to automate compliance tasks, manage risks, and improve patient safetyand dive into examples of digital solutions, such as compliance software and electronic health records.

  • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

    I’ve been checking out the reviews and don’t see any pics, what do they do with the before and after photo’s you took?

  • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

    So many positive people here, loved reading the conversations. Put a smile on my face especially knocking over shakes. Oh i did this too. Glad i’m not the only clumsy one here.
    Well done to everyone in this trial – it was hard (well i though so) – I couldnt excercise too the program given – having a Neuropathic illness, chronic nerve pain in feet and hands it was impossible to do. I did try a few which i was proud of… Hey afterall , it was only 4 years ago, i spent months in rehab learning to walk again……. So to do any of these excercises was a proud moment – though the starjumps made me laugh as i can no longer jump – but i waved my arms up and down like a crazy bird trying to take flight……
    Gonna go have a Chocolate Shake now……. BYE

    • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

      I think any exercise is hard to do when you suffer chronic pain Orchid but you have tried to do your own version of star jumps and that works as well too. I can`t jump, run or do a lot of exercises either but you make do with what you can do.

      congratulations to you also Orchid – a job well done 🙂

    • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

      Congratulations, Orchid!! You have been amazing from the sound of it. Well done for staying the course – I have quite a mental image of the “”crazy bird trying to take flight!!!”” I do hope you are well enough now to enjoy simple things. You definitely sound inspiring.

    • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

      Orchid27 It sounds like you’ve come along way. And you’ve kept your sense of humour.

    • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

      Good on ya Orchid, and enjoy your chocolate shake lol. Well done on trialling the shakes for 6 weeks too.

  • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

    Well I’m feeling sad that I didn’t achieve a significant weight loss with this program.
    All up I have lost 2kg’s which is something but I struggled with the shakes from around week 3. I am am so grateful that I had the opportunity to try this program but don’t see it as a long term answer for me.

    I do feel less puffy and bloated and I am also more aware of what I eat and think before I decide what my options are.

    Congratulations to all the beauties who had magnificent results !!!!!!!

    • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

      That`s ok Ladylola, don`t feel bad and please don`t be hard on yourself. You tried, and you can`t ask for more than that. Be proud you tried.

    • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

      I can understand some disappointment at not losing anywhere near what you`d hoped, LadyLola, but you`ve stuck it out and for that you deserve huge congratulations. You`ve also had additional stresses and I`m sure everything like that has an impact. I hope your Mum is much better. Well done on completing the trial.

    • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

      I feel the same LadyLola ….I will continue with the shakes for breakfast but will go back to my usual lunch and my usual eating and see how I go. Im not really expecting anything amazing this side of Christmas but there after I do hope to drop more weight and be at least another 10kg down by this time next year 🙂

      • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

        I think you`ve done amazingly well overall, Meedee, losing so much weight. I think you`re very sensible to go back to your usual lunch routine too. Congratulations on sticking it out and doing as well as you have.

      • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

        Thanks Trish I will keep plugging away and I know I will get there in time. Christmas is of course a huge challenge but not to worry. I so enjoyed having food to chew at lunchtime today 🙂

  • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

    I’ll be continuing after the trial finishes. I’ve posted a little of my stats in the rapid loss trial thread.

    • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

      So pleased you`ve had success, anne.

      I`m sorry we`ve managed to chat over more than one thread with this trial – I didn`t even realise we were in the wrong thread until you mentioned the other one. It`s a shame they can`t be linked up.

      • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

        It is annoying to see discussion over 2 forums Trish and now I know why I haven’t seen results posted when comments refer to them, when I’ve scrolled back – they were on the other thread!

        I’m sad to see this end as I’ve loved reading all the comments – whatever your results, I applaud you all and the support for each other is immeasurable!

    • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

      Great for you also anne – 🙂

  • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

    I have lost about 5 kilos and have really upped my exercise too, it has helped so much. The shakes taste nice and are so quick and easy to make

  • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

    The way you’ve stuck at this and stayed positive has been inspirational for ALL OF US. Well done, those on the trial, especially all of you who have shared your journey with the rest of us. You all deserve to treat yourselves to new clothes and anything else you feel like!!

  • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

    While I haven’t seen drastic changes in my weight or appearance I have reached a point where I am able to change some bad habits. I feel like I am just getting in the swing of not eating all the time and the trial is almost over. I have actually gotten to the point that I am feeling fuller for longer after my shake and next week is the last week.

    I really wish it was a 12 week trial and we could continue after Christmas. I think I will be buying some so I can carry on with it. I am not ready to give up yet.

    • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

      well done Sparkle

    • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

      Good on You Sparkle – you are actually losing the weight the best way. slow and steady which will help down the track. If it`s going well for you now, best thing would be to carry on with the shakes.

    • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

      Really, really proud of you, Sparkle.

  • 5 yrs, 7 mths ago

    Oh Meedee just catching up with your bad days happening. Hope things are improving now though.

    I think a great way to diet is what is happening to me right now. We are in Noosa while hubby plays golf (yawn) and I am In the apartment with just water and some plain biscuits , apples and bananas. There are some chips that we bought but if I do eat them, it will be in the arvo when I get a snack attack lol.

    Actually it’s cooler up here today which is quite pleasant.

    I’ve got a bush turkey and a kookaburra keeping me company oh and hubby’s laptop. 🙂

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