My understanding is that itf it claims to contain collagen then it wont work as the collagen molecules are too big to penetrate through the skin but if claims to stimulate collagen production then it ‘might’ work…might as in I am not sure whether anything has been proven to stimulate collagen (though i have not done much research on this so i could very well be wrong). Theres a new tool out – it looks like a rolling pin and it has very fine needles on it, you roll it over your face and this is meant to promote collagen production. Theoretically this would work as it is causing miniscule wounds in your skin and one of the wound healing responses is production of collagen to replace the tissue that has been damaged. But can you imagine rolling that thing over your face. Some salons also offer this treatment. I think its called a trans dermal roller or something like that.
hi beauty star – i added more into thoe the thesis thread !
and ill jump onto this also – and to help explain about creams for the non science ppl :p
i DID do some skin type studying and illsay it doesnt matter HOW MUCH COllagen or any other skin protein there is in a cream. its like throwing jelly at a wall. is it going ot get ot the other side? No.
if it did, what would it do? nothing. the body has to make its own compounds, synthesise it itself. all these live in the dermis of skin and if the body isnt making cols , elastin, decorin etc thne ur just throwing stuff at it that cant be FUCNTIONAL. small wounds also dont help if that makes mini scar tissue healing in terms ohte balance of the protein it makes in the extracellular matrix.
al ot of nerd talk.
short version – buy things with compounds that give weak acids, nourishing and wter adding/attracting parts, low in the steroid containing molecules.