*Pain of WAXING*
Now we all hate waxing.. the legnths women go to to look sexy and silky smooth all over
but is it reallly worth it!!! I say yeess!
Could you give me some tips on the pain threshold issue! thanx!
15 yrs, 5 mths ago
hey i use a epilady i think its called my first epilator and its really good ,it tingles and stings a little but doesnt hurt much.when waxing take panadol a bit before and then after waxing use a calming lotion , i think the nivea one is helpful and i u r home waxing then rip quickly.
15 yrs, 5 mths ago
@cdrom26: Don`t worry about the pain before you`ve tried it. 🙂
I`ve done it twice, with the same place both times. It was good for the price!! ^^ Was left spanking smooooth, but I have pretty high pain threshold (epilate my legs and my underarms, not as bad as it sounds :P). If you`re looking for tips..
- Before Pop two panadol an hour before you have it. I did this both times cos I`m chicken. -wry- In reference to a post on the second page, mersyndol actually contains paracetamol (500mg), a small shot of codeine (9.75mg), and tiny bit (5mg) of sedating doxylamine. Not a good idea if you`re driving, or if you get horrible side effects from codeine/doxylamine. (I got that taking Mersyndol Forte, which admittedly has thrice the amount of codeine.) Stick with something simple and see if it works first. 🙂
- Wear clothes (on the bottom half) that`re easy to get out off.. -coughs- This isn`t quite an issue, but I undressed while the lady was preparing the wax (like I said, no frills :P), and I can imagine struggling with tight jeans would probably not have been fun. I wish I could say more about showers or not, but I`m not sure about those..I did rinse/wipe before I went, though. ._.
- During Everyone`s skin (and pain threshold) is different. It`s a pro doing it, so it`s certainly less painful than you doing it. (I`ved tried to wax myself. Thrice. NEVER AGAIN.) On the other hand, if you simply cannot tolerate the pain, feel free to ask the person to stop. I found it quite bearable and it was just momentary stings.
- Think of calming things during the procedure. I think of it like the needle thing…if you don`t see it going in (or going on, in this case), it`s not as bad. Haha!
- After I personally had redness only for a few hours after it. Like I said, tough skin. xD The waxing lady recommended no swimming for 24h. 🙂 I went the day after and it was okay, no problemo. If it hurts/stings/is red for more than a few hours, soothing cream (as mentioned in page 2) might help.
- I was completely smooth for, say, a week? Then it started to grow in, and if I could gauge, once a month will probably be a good time for me. Everyone has different hair growth (and density, woe me) rate, though, so..
15 yrs, 6 mths ago
i have been waxing my legs for about 6 years, i think the more you do it, the less pain. Bu braziillians, i do it every 4 weeks, but everyone is different i guess, x
15 yrs, 6 mths ago
it doesn`t matter too much how long between a brazillian…it`s hair growth that counts,and each individual person`s hair grows at different paces, the hair`s just need to be long enough again for the wax to grab, say 3mms+….it`s just up to you how well you want to keep it maintained….best not to let it grow too long…long hairs can be more painful…
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