17 yrs, 1 mth ago

opinion of emo style

what is your opinion of the emo style
is it good or bad

45 comments 32 voices


  • 16 yrs, 5 mths ago

    i am over emos, next please! nah lol, i think were blowing this out of proportion. at times it is serious when allegations such as they cut themselves, they`re suicidal by nature come in, but by the end of the day, we all grow up, and learn from the mistakes we make, whether making a scene with the clothes we wear or such. at the end of the day we`re all human, and thats what counts. its astounding how quickly people can turn on each other because of differences.

  • 16 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Fair enough Twiggy, everyone`s entitled to their own opinion. How boring would it be if we all agreed on everything =)

  • 16 yrs, 5 mths ago

    lol i know what i said sounded harsh and its true they don`t all have attitude probs like i said earlier that most aren`t really unhappy etc. and i can understand how dressing that way is a social thing like wearing baggy clothes among some other groups of people and so on…i just don`t like them is all 😛 only my opinion.

  • 16 yrs, 5 mths ago

    I was trying to make the point that people who dress in an `emo` style may do so because it`s just how they like to dress and nothing to do with wanting to stand out or being an individual etc. Not all `emo`s` have an attitude problem, and I think it`s a little harsh to say that they become `useless` to society! Of course they `hang around`, just like most groups of teenagers (not that they`re all just teenagers) :S

  • 16 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Non conformists?
    I do see that they have all conformed!
    Get some individual style i say!

  • 16 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Thats true EB but by wearing `emo style clothes` they no longer stand out much as there are so many of them around now 😛 I wear black quite a lot but I`ve never been looked at funny or been told that i look Emo…i don`t have a problem with how they dress, only with their shitty attitude and how useless they become to the society by just `hanging around` all the time.

  • 16 yrs, 5 mths ago

    I don`t think everyone who dresses in an `emo` style does so because they want to be individual, stand out etc etc. It might just be the way they like to dress. I don`t think anyone is really in a position to judge someone by the way they dress. You can`t know someone`s life story just by looking at the clothes they`re wearing, so who are we to judge.

  • 16 yrs, 5 mths ago

    I despise the term emo. People make fun of cutting like its not a serious issue and it drives me insane. I wear black, mostly by accident, and I get called emo by randoms driving past. That`s bad enough, but whats worse is people now think `oh they`re just being emo` and don`t think that this person might actually need help, like Spiteful said. Anyways, I`ll stop now before I start ranting (I`m a very passionate teenager hehehe) XD People need to leave teenagers alone, and let them angst in their own way, dressing in black is far better than what some teenagers may do with their angst (drugs, gangs, violence…)

  • 16 yrs, 5 mths ago

    I don`t mean any offense to Emo kids but the majority of them are NOT emotionally dysfunctional, they`re just extremely annoying! I hate how they`re always sitting on the steps of Flinders station without doing anything useful! Most Emo kids are perfectly happy but simply wanna stand out because being goth is `uncool` now or something. Its the same as the kids that dress like rappers. Certainly just a phase (…at least i hope it is lol)
    What i really can`t stand about them is that they act like they`ve had the hardest life compared to everyone else and how they pretend to listen to hard music while they crank up the really lame Emo music that sounds terrible through their earphones and its not nearly hard. Arrgh grow up kids!!

  • 16 yrs, 6 mths ago

    I don`t think anyone is making the assumption that anyone who wears black clothing is emo? Their style is a lot more distinctive than that – and they actually categorise themselves by the way they dress – trust me, these kids who actually consider themselves to be emo do not get offended by anyone calling them emo! They are loud and proud about it!
    I understand what little1 is saying that at least they`re not out there dressing like skanks like a lot of teenage girls do, however I also don`t like the way that the style is glorifying depression, suicide and self harm. (not saying they`re all into it – but it can`t be ignored that the emo trend does glorify it!). I`m sure many people out there, myself included, know of someone or who have the unfortunate situation of having someone close to them battle with depression, and it`s not something that should be taken lightly, or made to seem `cool`. That is my biggest problem with the emo trend (if they want to all look like clones, go for it!).

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