14 yrs, 1 mth ago

Online retailer do you think they’re legit

Hi All

I posted a question in Yahoo answers about overseas online suppliers.
Ironically I got a reply to check out an online shop based in VIC.

Fresh fragrances & cosmetics

So suprised i’d never found them before.

Not too sure whether it’s too goods to be true though. Their selection of MAC products are almost all $10 or more less than their normal price.

Take a look and tell me what you think.

I may go ahead and buy one eye shadow to see if it’s fake or not.

4 comments 32 voices


  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Agree with beautystar 🙂

  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    I have also bought from them. Agree with beautystar’s comments. You should have no problems particularly as customer service is very good. x

  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Thanks! I think it’s time to give em’ a try then.
    Will post back to let anyone else with same question know how it goes in a couple of weeks

  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    I have bought from them quite a few times so yes they are legit. I think they a bit like strawberrynet – legit yet not necessarily authorised stockists. They are an aussie company but are based in hong kong – ie so you pay in aussie dollars but your parcel arrives from hong kong.

    I have mixed feelings about the quality of their stuff – i believe it is all genuine however I ordered a estee lauder fake tan and when it arrived it had separated as if it were quite old. I let them know and they exchanged it without any dramas. I have also bought SKII from them which i had no dramas with and marc jacobs perfume – again perfect.

    They price match as well, so if you can find a product cheaper they will match it (but shipping is free so if the other site charges shipping you need to add that onto the price of the product before doing a price match).

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