13 yrs, 9 mths ago

Nappy…on…nappy off…grr..


My 17month has taken a liken to taking his nappies off lately. We first fixed the problem by buying little jocks to pull over his nappy to confuse him. Wasnt long after he discovered to pull off his undies tho. We now buy pull up nappies and he has only managed to take them off a couple of times but still an improvement. When we are out of pull up’s, we resort to putting his nappy on backwards, but its not something i would want to do on a daily base.

Any tricks and tips that other parents want to share?? Could be anything!! 🙂 Look forward to hearing them!!


What type of brand of nappies do you like to buy and which ones have you had troubles with?

33 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 4 mths ago

    Yeah my daughter has been pestering me for a puppy dog since she was 2, but I told her once Lucas is abit older she can have one. Probably next year for chrissie, that way she will be 5 and he will be pretty much 3. I love taking her to the pet stores too!!

    Yeah she loves it and I love seeing her smile and point to the puppy but she doesnt want to leave the puppy there was sleeping the whole time… I think 3 and 5 is a good age …. we have a limestone retaining wall around alot of the house out the back and there is a big drop all around which worries me with a dog…. if they jump up on the kids near the drop that is wat might stop me from getting a dog and we might get a cat in the future or something else.

  • 13 yrs, 4 mths ago

    Yeah my daughter has been pestering me for a puppy dog since she was 2, but I told her once Lucas is abit older she can have one. Probably next year for chrissie, that way she will be 5 and he will be pretty much 3. I love taking her to the pet stores too!!

  • 13 yrs, 4 mths ago

    I havent pushed her much today with the potty as hubby has been miserably hung over and sicky so he would have appreciated me being around the bathroom where it is right next to the spare bed he was camping out and he was just zoing out on the couch and it has been so lovely today me and bubz went to the markets then a stroll around the foreshore then went to the pet shop and came home she really wants a puppy lol i was showing her the rabbits but she wants a puppy i think…. have to wait abit tho if it is a puppy as I want both kiddies to be bigger when they get a puppy if a rabbit i might get one soon not sure atm i love animals tho.

  • 13 yrs, 4 mths ago

    Only decided to buy a potty today for our girl and she just went #2 in it lol …feel pretty proud hopefully it is a easy process she is 21months and when i brought it home i explained a few times pee and poo go in the potty and she came up to me before pointing to her nappy saying poo so kept putting her on the potty and she went on there 😀 hopefully she is getting it and it wont be too hard for her to get.

    We had a potty for our daughter and everytime she did something in it we would give her a freddo, and once she was comfortable using it we graduated to the “big toilet” for “big girls”. I also found leaving her in undies all day helped, as after 2 accidents in them she learnt that she didn’t like being wet and would go to the potty! Sounds like you won’t have too much trouble if she has already done #2 in it.. Good luck 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 4 mths ago

    Oh I am so lucky I don’t need to worry about this just yet. Our little man is only 4 1/2 months old. I’m dreading the stage once he starts getting difficult with getting a nappy on him or taking them off. He’s squirmy enough as it is now when we try to put one on him!!

  • 13 yrs, 4 mths ago

    Only decided to buy a potty today for our girl and she just went #2 in it lol …feel pretty proud hopefully it is a easy process she is 21months and when i brought it home i explained a few times pee and poo go in the potty and she came up to me before pointing to her nappy saying poo so kept putting her on the potty and she went on there 😀 hopefully she is getting it and it wont be too hard for her to get.

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    haha yeah i have heard ppl using that wording of the “big peoples’ undies 🙂 We r moving this sat and the week after or so ill start trying to toilet training …. she keeps on getting into the nappies anyway so might as well try soon.

    Good luck, keep us posted on your progress with that 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    haha yeah i have heard ppl using that wording of the “big peoples’ undies 🙂 We r moving this sat and the week after or so ill start trying to toilet training …. she keeps on getting into the nappies anyway so might as well try soon.

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Thanks for the advice 🙂 also I was thinking of trying you method out mel…. once we have made the big move and settled in well i will try that 🙂 as I didnt want to try it before we moved it is just a hassle.

    Good one, it surely can’t hurt, saves you a lot of nappies and they are probably more inclined to want to try the ‘big’ way about it when they are wearing ‘big peoples’ undies rather than nappies, hehe 🙂

  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Thanks for the advice 🙂 also I was thinking of trying you method out mel…. once we have made the big move and settled in well i will try that 🙂 as I didnt want to try it before we moved it is just a hassle.

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