Hi amurr, thats really excellent you won that, such a huge prize. It makes me think of last year when i won some Napolean body products, about 5 in all. Only problem is I m not going to use them, so i thought hey,I can try and sell them. I thought against e-bay as the postage would turn people off, it would be at least $30 or more as they are REALLY heavy. So I thought about the local flea market , $100 max per add. I went to the napolean site and valued every thing id won it addes up to $145 or so. ( Most body products are about 29.95 each)Anyway, last add i placed was for $40 for the lot, and still after all these months of advertising each month i cant get rid of them! It
s unreal! My next add`s, going to be for $30 the lot, I just wont to sell them off!