Sounds like you`ve got really sensitive eyes like my daughter. Every morning as I drive her to school she squints heaps and puts her head down to try to block the light out of her eyes if she`s in the sunlight. I remember being like that when I was young too.
Now I`m older I wear my sunnies wherever I go but my daughter hides under her broad-brimmed school hat! So maybe you could wear both – a hat and sunnies as some of us are a bit more sensitive to light, especially in the mornings. Don`t worry, you aren`t alone. Lighter coloured eyes are generally more sensitive to the light.
The Australian Cancer Council put out extremely high quality sunnies (go for the Level `3` as it is the best protection) and are great value. Available all over, including a lot of chemists, Big W, etc. Just check the label for the brand name and the Level. I never buy anything less than a `3` as I have light green eyes. These sunnies are often $40 for a great pair but can vary in price depending on the `style`. I often pick up a pair for 1/2 price as the newer models come in and they are trying to sell off the `older` models.