15 yrs, 6 mths ago

mattifying mosturisers

Can anyone suggest a good mattifying moisturiser? I’m using the nivea young mattifying moisturiser and it’s not that great and I’d like to try a new one but i don’t know where to start.

35 comments 32 voices


  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    I love the new Neutrogena sheer matte sunscreens – great for oily skins!

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    I use to use the Neutogena one for years when I was younger but it really did nothing for me at all, so really I was wasting my money on it all the time, I like a moisturiser that is light, non-greasy and actully has some benefits for my skin 🙂 I still think the Ultraceuticals is the one for me atm 🙂

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    How about Neutrogena Oil-Free Moisture for Combination Skin?

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Thanks babes, hoping it arrives today but got a feeling my postie is going to make me wait till Monday. Shame, really want my goodies!

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    yes it`s still moisturising! I always wear sunscreen during the day (at the moment i`m using the neutrogena with helioplex for face) , so I definitely don`t need a stronger moisturiser, otherwise it would just all be too much. You`ll find that the oil control lotion just spreads over your face and will stay wet for a few seconds/minutes and then before you know it it`s just all sunken in beautifully and left a matte surface ready for sunscreen/primer/makeup, whatever comes next in your regime!

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Sometime I only use that with no moisturiser but if my skin needs some extra hydration then I mix it with my spf moisturier too 🙂

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    ooh, goody. Can`t wait for mine to arrive now.

    It`s still moisturising on your skin though right? It`s not going to suck my moisture out too?

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Yep I`ve been using it for a few years now, I think they changed the formula slightly recently because it`s even better now, less syrum-y and more moisturiser-y, if that makes sense? It`s super light, a little goes a long way, and it just sucks up all that oil. skin feels lovely in the morning when i put it on just before bed. works really well under makeup, and mixes well with sunscreens. love it!

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    I am using the Derm Oil Control Lotion today, it`s fantastic 🙂

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Empire, only just read your post. lol. Long time! Yep, found swisspers and they`re so cheap.

    On the subject of mattifying moisturisers though I`m expecting my Dermalogica oil control lotion to arrive either today or tomorrow. A makeup artists put it on my not to long ago and it truely lived up to it`s name for the whole day. So can`t wait to try it out under my everyday makeup. Will keep posted.

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