14 yrs ago

Japanese Earthquake

My thoughts are with those in Japan and the Asia-Pacific region who are affected by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami.
Hopefully the early warning systems that were in place have saved many lives.
Apparently the tsunami will reach Hawaii in the next 4 hrs or so and Taiwan and other coastlines within that time. Hopefully the predicted aftershocks in Japan over the next 24 hours will be very weak.

17 comments 32 voices


  • 14 yrs ago

    So, so sad. I cannot get over the pictures of the Tsunami that just bulldozed everything in it’s path. It would’ve been absolutely terrifying. The poor liitle toddlers from the Kindy that were saved but no-one knows whats happened to their parents….

  • 14 yrs ago

    apparently its suspected that maybe morethan 1000 ppl have died!! and after the explosion in one of the radioactive nuclear factory that exploded, its making the whole thing even more dangerous!

  • 14 yrs ago

    It’s so sad to see all these disasters happening one after the other all the time..

    So happy your dad stayed BQ!

    Heart goes out to everyone over there or that has loved ones there.

  • 14 yrs ago

    I hope everyones’ families are ok. Unfortunately many people have been affected in Sendai the city closest to the Earthquakes epicentre.

    Thank heavens your Dad was sick so didn’t fly BQ!

  • 14 yrs ago

    its been sad news for sure.

    and both my home places- thailand and philippines were in the target zone but have been ok it turns out. i was worried for my family.

    ur really lucky in the end also BQ.

  • 14 yrs ago

    BQ, how lucky your dad was sick today. I bet he’s counting his blessings. I know I would be and you must be relieved that he is still at home too.

    The one time you are lucky you were sick….. Apparently the flight he was going to fly ended up stuck in Guam.

    EDIT: nope, it went to narita (tokyo). glad he isnt there for any aftershocks/tsunamis now!

  • 14 yrs ago

    My heart goes out to those in Japan, it’s so sad to watch these events unravel on the news. 8.9 on the Richter scale is huge, that’s about 1000 times more powerful than the recent Christchurch earthquake. At least Japan has some of the most sophisticated technology in the world to deal with earthquakes.

    Although I do believe in climate change, I don’t think the way we treat our earth has much to do with earthquakes Shull. Japan basically lies on a fault line so earthquakes are not uncommon. it’s just one of this magnitude that is unusual. If you think about it, earthquakes of this magnitude or even stronger would have occurred even before human civilisation.

  • 14 yrs ago

    always something horrible going on in our world as we treat it like s*it ……..there is so much that should b changed eg. oil constantly being pumped out of the ocean until it is dry….it is there 4 a reason it must lubricate something plus we do take too much from our land with no plan to replace etc…pollution no one is doing anything and it worries me as there is some disater always happening i am worried 2012 …. that is supposed to b the end of our world i kind of believe it with non- stop disaters.

  • 14 yrs ago

    A very upsetting moment for Japan and those affected by nature.. Really hope that the after effects will not spread through south east Pacific..Is it a sign from mother nature?? Whatever it is I hope we dont dread for the worse…

  • 14 yrs ago

    What is happening to the world? Cyclones, Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Floods – it’s getting worse every day. Mother Nature is not happy. My brother predicted last year that this would happen to New Zealand and Japan – only mentioning this morning that Japan was going to be getting a big one soon, he also predicted our 4 floods in NQ to the day/date! My heart breaks for Japan at this terrible time.

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