15 yrs ago


can you tell me where do you usually go to when you need dresses. i’m in desperate need of them.

15 comments 32 voices


  • 15 yrs ago

    exactly… had it not been for Girl789’s investigation I wouldn’t have even realised the original poster was basically advertising. Not very good marketing there! and sneaky too!

  • 15 yrs ago

    Well said melmeko im with you on that one, it should not be alowed to advertise that way!!

  • 15 yrs ago

    Never heard of her site, not a good way of drumming up business though, if you are after advertising then you should pay for it and go through the right channels!!!

  • 15 yrs ago

    to be honest i think edressit just wants to know how many people on BH have heard of her dresses and if any would recommend the site to her, a bit sneaky if you ask me.

  • 15 yrs ago

    Girl789 – sadly I think you are spot on! If she was that desperate for help, she would have come back and had a look and to thank everybody…
    Edressit your response?

  • 15 yrs ago

    I love to buy dresses from katies they have so much different choices to pick from.

  • 15 yrs ago

    interesting coincidence you’ve found Girl789 🙂 I can suggest some online sites and stores edressit but like Pretty Princess and Bide mention it would help us to suggest stores if we know what suburbs/state you are keen to shop in and types of dress your looking for.

  • 15 yrs ago

    hahaha maybe they should be honest hey =)

  • 15 yrs ago

    Yeah Yvette lol I am… I’m not sure that it matters but I’d like to know! After noticing lots of dress-related posts and that dress is in the username, I checked if it’s a website and yep, edressit.com sells dresses… so maybe Edressit is a fan of the site? Or maybe they work for the site? Or a coincidence….

  • 15 yrs ago

    LOL are you serious Girl789

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