13 yrs, 10 mths ago

Has anyone tried DermaNew?

Hi all 🙂

BrandsExclusive currently have specials on DermaNew. The DermaNew 3G Facial Rejuvenating Kit is only $40 (the RRP is $100), which is so tempting. The sale is for 2 days. Has anyone tried the product before? Do you guys like them?

4 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 5 mths ago

    I know this was a while ago but what a shame! I ordered the acne & oil kit from beautychoice about three weeks before this brandsexclusive deal and I paid $70 inc. shipping. I use it once a week when I want to pamper my skin. Can’t say I see a huge difference. My skin looks nice and glowy and very smooth afterwards but it goes right back to it’s original state by the next night. I was thinking of using it twice a week but I don’t know how my skin would take it.

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    That’s fantastic result muraljewel!! Thank you so much! I will remember to get the kit next time it’s on sale 😀

    Thanks for the link AtomicGlamour! Gonna check it out!

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Hi N, I saw the Brands Exclusive promo and bought the kit….received it this morning and tried it this afternoon after my fat melting session at Bella Contour LOL. Anyways, I won’t use the cleanser or scrub that comes with the kit as I now only use the Cetaphil cleanser due to having a Fraxel treatment a few weeks ago and don’t want the chance of ruining my skin by trying a new product. I used a small amount of Cetaphil with the Dermanew tool and used the brush side, I used the high setting and my skin loved it. I could see the dirt coming off (on the brush) and the vibrating motion felt like I was giving myself a face massage while cleaning. It got every ounce of what little makeup I had on and my face had a nice flushed glow to it. I think for me I got a fantastic deal and happy with my purchase.

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I’ve heard of it. I know Kandee Johnson swears by it. She has a few videos about it on her youtube channel, here is the link to one of them – http://www.youtube.com/user/kandeejohnson#p/u/74/ZrlB5OxbC7Y

    I hope that helps 🙂

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