15 yrs, 5 mths ago

Hair Changes?

My hair used to be dead straight and black, and then it turned slightly wavy and light brown. And now, it’s gone nearly orange and CURLY. Massively curly! Ringlets!!! I have never dyed it or done anything really out of wack to it… haven’t changed diets shampoos or anything of the sort

Is this just natural? ):

12 comments 32 voices


  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Oh the irony, a year or two ago I decided to stop colouring and let my natural colour grow back, then the damn greys kicked in so that`s not happening now =D

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Unfortunately i am with captain Dan, my natural hair colour is a mystery, my hair was curly, then straight, then curly now it is wavy, i was always told it was the colouring process but i am not sure of that now. i think as long as your hair is healthy, i would just enjoy the ride!

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    I haven`t seen my natural hair colour for years! I admire your control Raven!

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    I would love my hair to change naturally! I doubt it will though and i am too young at the moment for my hair to change lol

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Yep mel I`m the same, for me it`s been very fine and straight with the tiniest bit of wave if the fringe and sides are cut a certain way. Besides a couple of cowslicks that`s it for me although at the ripe old age of 31 mine is starting to change, I`M GETTING DAMN GREYS!!!!

    For you ladies with mood ring hair enjoy it as I wish mine would change, to something other than grey.

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Oh wow that is so fascinating, I am envious of all of you have had such radical changes in your hair, I can`t get over it. I have never been so lucky, in my whole life I have had the same hair exactly, think and dead straight, I couldn`t give an honest view of the colour because I started changing that when I was in my early teens and have not had it the natural colour ever since, I would not have a clue what it is, going on my roots it just looks brown. I was very blonde as a kid though, damn I really want some curls now, and thicker hair, lol.

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    It is surprising how our hair changes though our lives!
    I agree that if its healthy, it is good, no matter straight or curly.

    I was born with golden brown fine hair, then it went dark brown, straight till my teens. In my early teens, I decided to shave my head (crazy! I know!) After that I had beautiful brown curly soft and thick hair. Then I started meddling with my hair using colours, chemicals…. Today I have dark brown, dry damaged hair which is wavy. I am going easy on colours and chemicals.
    This is the story of my hair. 🙂

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Oh wow Raven thank you. About 4 years ago my hair went from dead straight and mousy brown to dark brown and ringlet curls. I started getting new hairs growing curly and many hairdressers would say that it was just split ends. I finally found one that said that my hair was just changing and that it just happens to some people. Your hair goes through( I think its) 7 year cycles. Some people get minimal change and others get drastic. Some womens hair changes when they are pregnant
    My Mum thinks it wonderful because when I was little I had curly hair and then it went straight.

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Wow, Raven!! If I had hair like yours, maybe I wouldn`t get bored so easily with my hair. I was born with blonde curly, curly hair. My natural colour is that boring mousey brown colour, but it is never natural anymore. The strange thing is, the longer my hair gets, the wavier it gets.

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    That`s pretty cool having all those hair styles in three years. Just love it hun. I think it`s awesome.

    My hair has been, hmmmm let me see. Straight since the day I was born! Dead straight! Woo Hoo! ha ha. I just learn to appreciate what I`ve got.

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