16 yrs, 1 mth ago

Family Diary/Calender

Ladies, do any of you have suggestions for a great family planner/diary/organiser? I’m looking for something that’s not electronic, so a calender or diary. Has anyone tried anything like this: “The Master Plan”:http://www.milestonepress.com.au/the_master_plan_diary.php?

11 comments 32 voices


  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    In The Night Garden and The Wiggles work a treat in our household 🙂

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    i know! thank god for `in the night garden`, i just hear the music and relax, i know she`ll be glued to it!

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    It is tiriing but on the upside she comes home tired and hence gets a nice afternoon nap and I can have an hour or more to myself. I`m forever thinking of activities to entertain my little miss too 🙂

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    i`m always surprised by how tiring playgroup is! :0P we tried a new mixed-age group today at the local church, am always on the look out for things to keep miss busy entertained!

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    have fun at playgroup. I just came back from Playdays this morning 🙂

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    oh wow, that looks gorgeous! thanks BO! i will look into it after playgroup!

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    whiterabbit11 have you heard of the OTI organiser? I recently received an email about it. thought you might be interested? to get more info the website for this http://www.oti.net.au

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    yep, i also wanted something to carry around. i`ve decided to dig out my old filofax and give it another go, it`s only the tiny one so it`s handy at least! am thinking of getting a few of the women`s weekly ones for xmas pressies.

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    thanx for the links whiterabbit1. I like the look of the busy mother`s organiser but personally I`d prefer something I could carry around with me in my bag. It`s a great idea for the home though in order to make sure you are on top of appointments, bills, etc. You could even buy a binder yourself and make one.

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    thanks BO! I`ve looked up some info on the Women`s Weekly one, for anyone who`s interested, “”click here””:http://bcia.org.au/content.aspx?page=frdiary. Looks very nice and supports a great cause of course.
    there is also `busy mothers` diary which is kinda huge but comprehensive! “”click here””:http://www.busymothers.com.au/modules.php?name=The_Companion
    and my.organiser which is also massive but snazzy: “”click here””:http://www.agoodsort.com/index.html
    has anyone had any experience with these or similar?

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