14 yrs, 1 mth ago

Estee Lauder Suggestions

Hehe so you might have noticed that EL has an AWESOME gwp at David Jones at the moment! So does anyone have any recommendations/suggestions on what to buy? I open to anything except lip gloss (cause I have alot already)

Thanks in advance!

PS For anyone else interested in this thread, I highly recommend there lip glosses and their “artist eyeliner”.

5 comments 32 voices


  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    I’m not a huge fan of Estee Lauder but I get many favourable comments when I wear the No 57 lipstick (Cinnamon). Always wear a gloss over it which won’t be a problem as you have many glosses.

    The advanced night repair for eyes has many favourable reviews. I don’t think you can go wrong with any eye cream from the range. Happy shopping!

  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    I love the pore minimiser, so amazing and gives such awesome results. I used to have quite bad old pimple scarring and this has really helped to clear them up. So pricey though!!

  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Love the Doublewear Light foundation myself as well as the Doublewear eyeshadow cream thingies =D


  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    You could always ask to test some samples too. I like their perfectionist cream -but its massively expensive haha! but Im trialing their day cream right now and it is so great! But go to their counter and test stuff out!

  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Hehe so you might have noticed that EL has an AWESOME gwp at David Jones at the moment! So does anyone have any recommendations/suggestions on what to buy? I open to anything except lip gloss (cause I have alot already)

    Thanks in advance!

    PS For anyone else interested in this thread, I highly recommend there lip glosses and their “artist eyeliner”.

    i recommend a serum! Serums are a love for me as they work as a multifunctional product! I love how my estee lauder hydration serum hydrates my skin, gives me a dewy look and after couple weeks of usage I have not once has a dry spot on my face! using a serum also makes make up application alot easier<3

    hope you find your Estee Lauder product

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