It may sound strange but Lansinoh – the stuff you put on your nipples when breastfeeding – works really well. Obviously it doesn`t have a nice smell but at least you know you aren`t doing yourself any harm by eating it!
It may sound strange but Lansinoh – the stuff you put on your nipples when breastfeeding – works really well. Obviously it doesn`t have a nice smell but at least you know you aren`t doing yourself any harm by eating it!
It may sound strange but Lansinoh – the stuff you put on your nipples when breastfeeding – works really well. Obviously it doesn`t have a nice smell but at least you know you aren`t doing yourself any harm by eating it!
I`ve just started using the Avene cold cream lip balm. I love it, a little pricey but great. Mind you I now have some kind of chap stick next to my pc, in the car, in my handbag, beside my bed. I got sick of searching for one LOL
I`ve just started using the Avene cold cream lip balm. I love it, a little pricey but great. Mind you I now have some kind of chap stick next to my pc, in the car, in my handbag, beside my bed. I got sick of searching for one LOL
I`ve just started using the Avene cold cream lip balm. I love it, a little pricey but great. Mind you I now have some kind of chap stick next to my pc, in the car, in my handbag, beside my bed. I got sick of searching for one LOL