13 yrs, 10 mths ago

Do guys have naturally better skin?

How come guys can do absolutely nothing to their skin and it can be really flawless? Some of my male friends have never applied anything their their face ever and use soap on their face even! And yet they’ve always had flawless skin, even through their teenage years. It seems interesting that us ladies spend so much on skincare and hardly anyone can boast perfectly flawless skin all the time. Why does this happen? Are we making our skin worse by putting so many products on it?

48 comments 32 voices


  • 6 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Some men do. My father in law, is 65. Not many wrinkles. He is fair haired too. So burns easily. He has worked in doors.

  • 6 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Well… i can honestly say that my skin is much better than my husband’s!! He looks younger than his real age, but he has uneven texture and pigmentation. He had not been wearing any sunscreen at all until I insisted a few years ago, and since then he started wearing sunscreen everyday. But the damage has already been done.

  • 6 yrs, 8 mths ago

    My husband is 9 years older then me , people always seem suprised by his age because he looks younger. He has such nice skin and barely uses any products!

  • 6 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Honestly, the males in our family have perfect skin. The females all have very sensitive skin. Unfair!

  • 6 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I feel in general, boys wouldn’t care much about their appearance in their growing up years. And as puberty kicks in, they also won’t care much about the facial features or whatsoever because all they want is to play and play.
    It’s only when the boys start to become men, appearance starts to matter especially when they start working, and that’s where they will start being conscious of the way they look, but by the time they realised it, it’s already too late because they have failed to take care of their face properly during their growing up years.

    there are cases where guys have good skin is also inherited from their parent’s genes.

  • 6 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I think it seems that way because nobody expects their skin to look as flawless as ours :'(

  • 8 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Not sure if it’s true or a myth but I read somewhere that most men have flawless skin because when they use an electric shaver ever day it ‘massages’ their facial skin.

  • 9 yrs, 7 mths ago

    My husband has just turned 50 and has great skin, hardly any lines or wrinkles. People don’t believe he’s 50. He hasn’t spent much time in the sun during his life so that’s probably helped as well.

  • 10 yrs ago

    I think it’s a mix of a few things. Men tend to not wear makeup and use gentler products (or just water) and don’t have monthly hormonal acne to worry about. But I think the biggest thing is that we’re not trained by the media to notice when men have flaws.
    When men have pimples or scars on their face or blackheads, I think people are more willing to overlook them because they’re men and they’re not supposed to be “perfect” like women are expected to be all the time.

    *Mooloo’s* got a point, we _do_ have different expectations from men.

    I wonder if they really notice our fine lines pimples etc etc or if its us.
    I sometimes think we do it to ourselves and other woman. Men tend to always love women’s flaws.. They say it makes us who we are

    For example I was talking to a guy friend about my pigmentation which I’m sensitive about and he goes what? What’s pigmentation? You mean your cute freckles that make you you….

    Aww cute~ Hehe :3
    My bf notices when I get pimples :/ I tend to get big red raised ones that are hard to conceal. My bf’s skin is much better than mine but I think it’s because he’s always been really good at taking care of his skin ever since his early teenage years whereas I neglected my skin until I was 19.

  • 10 yrs ago

    I think it’s a mix of a few things. Men tend to not wear makeup and use gentler products (or just water) and don’t have monthly hormonal acne to worry about. But I think the biggest thing is that we’re not trained by the media to notice when men have flaws.
    When men have pimples or scars on their face or blackheads, I think people are more willing to overlook them because they’re men and they’re not supposed to be “perfect” like women are expected to be all the time.

    *Mooloo’s* got a point, we _do_ have different expectations from men.

    I wonder if they really notice our fine lines pimples etc etc or if its us.
    I sometimes think we do it to ourselves and other woman. Men tend to always love women’s flaws.. They say it makes us who we are

    For example I was talking to a guy friend about my pigmentation which I’m sensitive about and he goes what? What’s pigmentation? You mean your cute freckles that make you you….

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