15 yrs, 3 mths ago

Diet books worth reading.

I’d like to hear your opinion of which diet books are worth reading.I read a lot of the more sensible diet books.I need the motivation to keep me ‘on the wagon’!
Here is one I am almost finished that I thought I’d share.
101 Things To Do Before You Diet.
Mimi Spencer
This is a very funny book-that is also filled with practical advice.It deals with looking slimmer through non-diet means such as clothes and make-up and also gives diet and exercise tips.

8 comments 32 voices


  • 15 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Definitely read “”If Not Dieting, Then What?”” by Dr Rick Kausman.

    It will change your views on EVERYTHING and is incredibly worth it.

    You will see 🙂


  • 15 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Yes, Sdbenjamin, I get the emails, but must admit I don`t read them all 🙂

  • 15 yrs, 2 mths ago

    I have read real age and joined the newsletter scensation-have you done that yet?
    Mscosmetics I actually picked up skinny from the library on Saturday but couldn`t stand being yelled and sworn at by those food Nazi`s :# And also read the clutter one he has a newsletter too.Will check my library for the other ones-thanks for the suggestions:)
    My philosphy is more about balancing nutrition,portion control and still having treats.I do weight watchers and am below my goal weight-so it works for me.

  • 15 yrs, 2 mths ago

    I`ve also just recently finished reading 101 things & thought it was a good all rounder – even if you`re not specifically looking to lose weight.
    I read skinny chick & it scared me into going vegetarian for a while ! Alas – I don`t really eat much meat anyway & have so many other dietry requirements that adding vegetarian to the mix was just a step too far.
    I`ve reached the age where I know diets don`t work for me & it`s more about finding the motivation to eat better / healthier in the long run & to incorporate exercise that I enjoy doing.
    I`m currently on a little challenge – to eat with the seasons & am shopping at the local markets for cheap seasonal fruit n vege & printing out recipes that can be used for that produce. Makes eating healthier that bit more interesting as I get to try out new recipes to see what`s a hit or miss for me & improve my cooking skills 😉
    I`m currently wanting to read these books:
    Eat Cheap but Eat Well
    An apple a day : the myths, misconceptions, and truths about the foods we eat
    Feed your skin, starve your wrinkles : eat your way to firmer, more beautiful skin with the 100 best anti-aging foods
    Almost meatless : recipes that are better for your health and the planet
    Does this clutter make my butt look fat?

    I suppose my focus is more on nutrition & healthy eating than on faddy diets – but each to their own! 😉

  • 15 yrs, 2 mths ago

    The Real Age diet book is really good. I actually come across the book at an op shop. It not only points out the food for weight loss, but also to keep you looking young. The book goes through different fad diets, pointing out the good and bad of each. I haven`t read it all yet, but what have looked at is interesting. Not bad for$2!!

  • 15 yrs, 2 mths ago

    what i totally recommend is the gabriel method. It actually talks about how diets dont usually work, and honestly has helped me with a lot of the emotional issues that causes weight gain. It even makes you love exercise without actually making you do it!!…if you want to check out reviews, go onto the website or the forums to read ral reviews on this book.

  • 15 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Thnaks will see if library has a copy 🙂

  • 15 yrs, 2 mths ago

    Not a diet book but Rosemary Stanton`s cookbook for Australian families is awesome. If you followed these recipes you would probably lose weight anyway. Healthy and tasty recipes and good nutrition advice, this book is a really good investment. 🙂

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