14 yrs, 1 mth ago

Did your sign change?

Astronomers at the Minnesota Planetarium Society announced that the gravitational pull of the moon on the Earth has changed the planet’s position in terms of its axis due to which an entire change in the alignment of the stars had taken place. This celestial activity is believed to be the main cause behind the ushering of the new zodiac signs.

I don’t really follow my sign but I thought this was a fun read….I’ve gone from being Capricorn to Sagittarius….hmmmm….. once a Capi always a Capi. Has your sign changed?

28 comments 32 voices


  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Im now an Aries…

    You know if we all have different star signs now.. all those people that have their star sign tattooed on to them are so screwed lol

    Its only if you were born after 2009

    I thin its a bull.

    Peoples start sign explains the persons attitude. So does that mean everyone will change lol

    only for people born after 2009?? well that wont get confusing in years to come at all lol

  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    WOW!! this is so interesting~ I didnt know anything about the change.
    Oh but it says shouldnt really apply to those born before 2009 LOL!
    Is Ophiochus a new one? HAHAHHAAHHA im still a LEO >.>

  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Im now an Aries…

    You know if we all have different star signs now.. all those people that have their star sign tattooed on to them are so screwed lol

    Its only if you were born after 2009

    I thin its a bull.

    Peoples start sign explains the persons attitude. So does that mean everyone will change lol

  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Im now an Aries…

    You know if we all have different star signs now.. all those people that have their star sign tattooed on to them are so screwed lol

  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    that’s really interesting and i went and checked it out. Seeing as my bday is the 20th July, meaning i’m a cancer. Well apparently a Gemini now which ends on the 20th July and still a Cancer which starts on the 20th July.
    I dont think that i can have 2 starsigns, so i think this sight is rubbish, but then again i was born in 87, but it’s still rubbish.
    I dont want to be 2 starsigns, as i like being a Cancer

  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Oh, so it doesn’t apply to those born before 2009? Good, coz all my life I’ve been a fiery-headed dynamo (Aries) and now I’m supposed to be a intuitive and sensitive Pisces….!?!?!

  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Well glad to know that it is not for those of us born prior to 2009 I can’t imagine claiming to be anything but a capricorn after all these years, lol.

  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Well, according to this article, I am now an Aries, where as before I was a mix between and aries-Taurus, Being born right on the change over. I guess i have always felt as though i was truley a mix just becuase I was so much like the two star signs definition out lines on a aries and a taurus person. I think if you feel your new sign suits you better, then go for it, if you feel as though the new sign isnt you, well stick with the old. Im sticking with the being born on a cusp senario as i still feel as though they outline me as a person perfectly.

  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    this is all over everyones lips at the moment….
    what is the deal with all this…
    i dont think there is anyway i will be accepting this new sign…
    i cant have just lived my whole life as one thing and now all of a sudden have a completly different personality….
    but its not like i follow the zodiac anyway 🙂

  • 14 yrs, 1 mth ago

    I was born a Capricorn and spent the last 18 years that way haha, so I’ll always say I’m still a Capricorn. Wouldnt feel right otherwise 😀 The personality traits are so me in alot of ways.

    This is odd how it can just change, but I dont know much about this sort of stuff lol..

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