13 yrs, 9 mths ago

Delta and Nick Jonas???

I was just curious how the other BH ladies felt about this. Personally, I think anyone would have to be better than Brian McFadden. I think he changed a lot when he got close to Kyle Sandilands. Delta is such a beautiful and talented lady, any guy would be lucky to have her.

25 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Nick Jonas No, no,no,no,no,no. Brian McFadden is nice but he can be immature. Nick Jonas is certainly not the one but lets home she finds happiness in the future.

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Did you see Brian the other day coming in at the airport with his new girlfriend, who coincidentally could’ve passed for Delta??

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    yeah…my eyes nearly popped out when I saw his age but I got to admit Delta is a beautiful woman. Brian doesnt seem to age well :p

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Hahahaha!!! So true but they look really cute together. Apparently Brian McFadden’s given his two bobs worth saying if anyone hurts her he will punch them LOL. I just wish her all the happiness in the world, she’s a delight

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    i dont really think the age gap is an issue
    rather the fact that shes the older one.
    i think the age thing is because shes been around in the industry for so long so she just seems old now.

    You’ve got a point there – I was actually surprised when I heard she was only 26. I actually assumed she might be around 30 (even though she doesn’t look it) as it seems she has been famous for decades!

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I don’t care about celebrities either. I’ve always seen Delta as someone who tries their hardest to stay in the spotlight so it’s not surprising.

    In terms of actual relationships (which I don’t see this as) I don’t think a big age gap can work out personally. I’ve dated people who are between 2 to 4 years older than me and it hasn’t worked out (not just because of their personality but the age gap makes it awkward, especially when you talk about your childhood or going through school, etc.)

    Maturity wise, someone who is in their early twenties is in a completely different place to someone in their late twenties. When you’re in your early 20s you’re still just out of school and probably still studying and working out your plans for life. When you’re in your late 20s you have an idea what you want, and probably have things like plans for kids, a house or want one very soon, a stable job, etc. I just see those relationships as one person leading the other and having more power, and it’s very easy for the person with more power (greater finances, career, etc) to use that to their advantage.

    Plus you have to put yourself in both positions, how would you like to date someone much younger than you who has no plans or goals for the future when you’ve got everything all worked out? Sure that can happen with some people no matter what their age but you see it more commonly in relationships with a big age gap.

    I’ve never felt comfortable with relationships with an age gap of more than a year or 2. I have a few friends that have done this and I don’t see their relationships lasting into the future.

    I think that is true, the younger you are. Once you get a bit older, age comes into play much less. When I was 18, I would have agreed with you entirely, but now in my early 40’s a couple of years, or even 10 is nothing! (my husband is actually 15 years older than me, and it’s no big deal – we’ve been together 15 years). I also have quite a few friends in their 30’s who are in long-term relationships with men who are 4-5 years younger than them.

    I also think when it comes to people like Delta or Nick Jonas, I think their life experiences make them quite different to the usual 26 and 18 year old. Even though Nick isn’t even legal drinking age in the US, it’s not like he’s a school student.

    I think their respective fame would give them quite a bit in common in terms of shared experiences – they would have more in common with each other than with non-famous people their own age.

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    i dont really think the age gap is an issue
    rather the fact that shes the older one.
    i think the age thing is because shes been around in the industry for so long so she just seems old now.

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    On the topic of big age gaps in relationships, I just thought I’d put my two cents in 🙂

    I’ve been seeing my bf for about a year now, he is 9 years older than me. Neither of us hardly ever think about or notice the age difference in fact we both find it funny to think about the differences in what we were doing in say, 1994 (I was in grade 4, he was a young teenager!). I’ve dated guys around my age before and don’t think there’s a huge difference one way or the other.

    I guess my point is that age doesn’t matter. Some people “never” grow up, others mature early. Everyone is different and I think the most crucial thing when asking yourself if you & your partner are going to last is if there is trust, respect and communication between the two of you. No matter what your age, these three things will always be what makes or breaks you.

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I don’t care about celebrities either. I’ve always seen Delta as someone who tries their hardest to stay in the spotlight so it’s not surprising.

    In terms of actual relationships (which I don’t see this as) I don’t think a big age gap can work out personally. I’ve dated people who are between 2 to 4 years older than me and it hasn’t worked out (not just because of their personality but the age gap makes it awkward, especially when you talk about your childhood or going through school, etc.)

    Maturity wise, someone who is in their early twenties is in a completely different place to someone in their late twenties. When you’re in your early 20s you’re still just out of school and probably still studying and working out your plans for life. When you’re in your late 20s you have an idea what you want, and probably have things like plans for kids, a house or want one very soon, a stable job, etc. I just see those relationships as one person leading the other and having more power, and it’s very easy for the person with more power (greater finances, career, etc) to use that to their advantage.

    Plus you have to put yourself in both positions, how would you like to date someone much younger than you who has no plans or goals for the future when you’ve got everything all worked out? Sure that can happen with some people no matter what their age but you see it more commonly in relationships with a big age gap.

    I’ve never felt comfortable with relationships with an age gap of more than a year or 2. I have a few friends that have done this and I don’t see their relationships lasting into the future.

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    I always hear that young people who have dealt with a serious person battle (e.g. delta with her cancer) become very mature (mentally and emotionally) early, and we as women are alway more mature than men at least 5 years older. I struggle to grasp the idea that a 18 year old boy band pop star could have the emotionally maturity someone like Delta would need to stay simulated. That being said, I dont know the girl, so who knows? Maybe she acts like an 18 year old too?!

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