16 yrs, 1 mth ago

Cold Sores!!!

Can anyone help me with this one? I seem to get really nasty cold sores that I didn’t see coming. I wake up with a really nasty one and I couldn’t feel it tingling during the night.

I use creams like Zovirax and Blistex which sort of helps.

I just keep getting cold sores. I’m not stressed or anything which apparently is one cause – is there anything I can do to reduce the chances of getting them?

20 comments 32 voices


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  • 12 yrs, 6 mths ago

    The best way with cold sores is to apply ointment like Zorvirax as soon as you feel the tingle. It`s magic, it stops the cold sore from forming. I used to get cold sores a lot but now I always carry Zorvirax, even if its only aslight tingle its better to be safe than sorry

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    You could try monitoring what you eat. My friend gets coldsores if she drinks too much orange juice. It may be something your eating that triggers them.

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    I get coldsores on a regular basis, usually one after the other – if im lucky i may get 2-3 day break
    I have found taking OralPlex which is a tablet available from the chemist is really good. Apparently u take them 3 times a day when u have a coldsore and once they hav cleared up you take one tablet a day to prevent coldsores. I also use a cream zovirax as well as the tablet which helps to clear them up quickly. I have also heard you can get an injection to help prevent coldsores, this im still researching – May need to ask my doctor but i know there is one out there….

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    I am just getting over a pretty big one at the moment. It only appeared a week ago. Since taking Lysine tablets I have halved the time it takes to get over them and they heal without the usual scares and no stinging at all. This time I also used Burts bees lip balm and I found this helped as well.

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    there a miracle in a tub :]

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Maybe you should also go to your doctor for a check up! It could be problems with your immune system…

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    I am also prone to cold sores, they flare up when I`m stressed or havent slept enough and usually in the same spots. I also find that if you rub or irritate those spots where you tend to get the cold sores they will start to appear. What I have found to work is to regularly apply cold sore cream like Zoviraz to the affaected areas, every couple of hours and do not rub or excessively touch the developing cold sore. That way even if it does develop, it remains fairly small and tends to dry out faster. Hope that helps

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Cold Sores appear when you haven`t had enough sleep. I`ve heard that applying a small amount of salt on it stops it from hurting though it really really stings when you apply the salt, but afterwards it does not hurt as much.

  • 16 yrs, 1 mth ago

    Hi Marby, I agree with Princess etc. Lysine is a godsend. I got coldsores all my life…discovered lysine about 10 years ago and took one daily and eventually stopped gettting them all together. I didn`t take it for years and only just started getting them again (really badly stressed at the moment)…so back on it again.
    It seemed to build up in my system and really prevent me getting them long term for a very long time.

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