17 yrs ago


Hi,I was just curious how many parent get their little boys circumcised these days,I have one year old and deciced against having it done,But I still dont know weather I made the right decision.

41 comments 32 voices


  • If i have a boy i wont get it done. John wont wont it done to out son too. We have already talked about it. John wants his son to be like him lol

  • 14 yrs ago

    I wouldnt even consider doing that to my little boy!If there`s no medical reason, i cant see why you would put them through that.

  • 14 yrs, 8 mths ago

    I could never do it to my son, thankfully I was never told about it like the other ladies when I had birth to my son. I do know that if I was given the option I would never get it done unless there was some major health benefit in it because I have to agree with some of the comments that I would not like to see my child get any part of his natural body that he was born with cut off unless it was a life threatening situation or something that would stand in his way of leading a normal childhood. I also respect the wishes of those parents who opt to get it done for whatever reasons they feel fit, weather that be their religion, beliefs or just because they have old fashioned values, whatever, it is each and every parents choice unless it is ever deemed to be not appropriate by medical authority`s but until that ever happens then it is a personal family decision.

  • 14 yrs, 8 mths ago

    i dont believe cutting off perfectly normal skin is the right thing to do , i view it similar to mutilation
    just the way i feel .
    my best friend, in her religion , all her boys are done . and the claim is that you get the skin back in the after life ..
    now then why cut it off to begin with .

  • 14 yrs, 8 mths ago

    Thank you for clearing that up Sumaya 🙂


  • 14 yrs, 8 mths ago

    You didn`t upset me Jessibear because you are entitled to your opinion. I just wanted you to know that if it is done properly, it is just another medical procedure. Any parent that allows just anybody to do it anger me so much and they should be reported to the authorities i believe!

  • 14 yrs, 8 mths ago

    The footage I saw was a doctor doing the op on a newborn with no anaesthetic and the poor little boy was screaming which was why I was so upset. I understand now that this is not the norm and it`s done in a better way these days if done at all.

    I didn`t mean to sound judgemental in my comment and I`m sorry if I upset anyone. Circumcision isn`t for me or my family, but if another parent wants to get it done then I have no issue with that.


  • 14 yrs, 8 mths ago

    i wouldnt call it barbaric it was just that because my nephew was older and it caused him alot of pain after.

    I think what jessi must have been watching was probably one of the illegal ops that they are trying to stop where unprofessionals are doing a butcher job of it…which is why people should be given the option at birth!! it would at least prevent these people putting children at danger

  • 14 yrs, 8 mths ago

    My hubby and i saw all our children have it done and it`s not “”barbaric””. If it`s done properly, it`s no different to any other medical procedure people get done!

  • 14 yrs, 8 mths ago

    My father and brother are both circumcised, but my DH is not. I too saw the operation on TV once and it looked barbaric, and I decided then and there that if I ever had a little boy I would not get him circumcised. I have since had a baby boy and we weren`t even asked at his birth if we wanted it. I honestly don`t think it`s done much anymore, unless for religious or medical reasons as some of the other ladies here have said.


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