16 yrs, 3 mths ago

Chipping Polish

Does anyone know of a good way to stop nail polish from chipping? Whenever I get a manicure or even when I do my own nails I end up with chips only a day or two after. I recently bough a topcoat product from Spa Ritual called “Impeccable”, which was meant to make the polish last for 2 weeks… Not so! I’ve heard that maybe getting a gel topcoat will work. Any suggestions?

27 comments 32 voices


  • 16 yrs ago

    Just as an easy way to protect my nail colour from chipping, I usually apply a top coat. I`m not sure if it`s really effective though cos after less than a week, the colour usually starts to fade away at the tips of my nails =/

    I think I`ll try the tip Shannont posted, thanks!

  • 16 yrs ago

    Holy Hairspray Batman!!!
    I never knew that Tips2Toes!!! I sure will check the next time I get my manicure done! Wow!

  • 16 yrs ago

    Hi Golden Butterfly,
    After she finishes her massage, she should observe, then squeak, now squeaking is a pad wiped over each nail to take all moisture off, most therapists use nail polish remover as it does the trick!
    Sadly some therapists do not understand how important dehydrating the nail prior to painting is!

  • 16 yrs ago

    Gosh, thank so much gorgeous Tips2Toes! This is awesome info.
    Question – What does “”squeaking your nails”” mean? How do you know if the manicurist has done it?
    Hope I make sense darl!!
    mwah xoxoxo

  • 16 yrs ago

    When the therapist does your mani, she should “”squeak your nails”” prior to painting. (Takes excess moisture from nail bed)
    Also when she/he paints the topcoat on she she/he should also line the free edge of your nail which will seal in the nail colour.
    Gel colour could be applied instead of paint however if you get sick of the colour you will need to visit your therapist to have it changed. It does not come off with remover.
    Another option is to use a gel topcoat which is an option over nail colour but it will also need to be attended to by your therapist.

  • 16 yrs ago

    Absolutely! I love their array of pinks!!!!!

    But with some corals and louder colours I`ve bought Rimmel or Maybelline!! Much cheaper!

  • 16 yrs ago

    yeah, they are the same here.
    But when it is a staple colour I think it is worth it!
    For fashion colours I think the cheaper ones are good!

  • 16 yrs ago

    I agree with you PrettyPrincess! OPI has a great range, but I woudn`t want to be spending $19.95 every week. That`s how much they are in my suburbs.

  • 16 yrs ago

    I have found australis bad at chipping, I used there base coat too!

    OPI is pretty good, a little exy, but good for a true trusted colour if you use it a lot.

  • 16 yrs ago

    Gina…I always put a base coat on, then the coloured polish itself, then a top coat, and that works a treat for me. xoxo

    Tina_Cats, hi darling girl, I know!!!!!! Chanel is the only nail polish I`ve been really unhappy with!! I mean, when you buy it you have high expectations, right?? But it always chips…always!!!! grrrrr
    And I`m so similar to you, gorgeous, I love navy blue nail polish on the toes!! Goes with everything! xoxoxoxoxo

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