13 yrs, 9 mths ago

chipped my front tooth, what to do?

My front tooth chipped yesterday while eating a peach and I can’t get an appointment until next week.

The chip is sharp and bothering me. Does anyone know of anything I can put on it or do to it in the meantime until I see my dentist next week?

Thanks in advance.

7 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    this actually happened to me 2 years ago. Was horrible and I was interstate. I just didn’t talk much as I couldn’t say anything with s, th, ch at the start of the word. I was lucky in that I could put a bit of white tissue behind the tooth so it didn’t feel like a horrible hole. Yep, every couple of hours the tissue would dissolve lol. (I am sure I swallowed some small pieces). When I came come I went to my dentist who couldn’t do anything for a week so I went elsewhere and they did my tooth that arvo. Now I have stayed with them.
    I’d go and see another dentist Diishere. If you leave it too long, can chip even more.

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Have you got any dental wax to mold over it?? or use ear putty (its semi clear, from the chemist) just to protect while not eating/drinking.

    No, I don’t have either of them, where can I get dental wax from?

    I’ll send hubby to get some tomorrow or the ear putty from the chemist.

    Thanks for the tip.

    I got mine with my braces, maybe the chemist too? Just ask them tomorrow, it may protect it a little….

    And use sensitive toothpaste so you don’t make it hurt!

    Good luck hun, keep us updated
    xxxx <3

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Have you got any dental wax to mold over it?? or use ear putty (its semi clear, from the chemist) just to protect while not eating/drinking.

    No, I don’t have either of them, where can I get dental wax from?

    I’ll send hubby to get some tomorrow or the ear putty from the chemist.

    Thanks for the tip.

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Did you let your dentist know it was an emergency? I’m lucky, my dentist is pretty good and will squeeze me in if its an emergency. Maybe if you can try and find a emergency dentist to quick fix it til your appt. BQs suggestions are really good too! Good luck with it

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    Have you got any dental wax to mold over it?? or use ear putty (its semi clear, from the chemist) just to protect while not eating/drinking.

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    have u tried other dentist’s there are emergency ones maybe trying that!!! might b worth it i woodnt leave it a week if i did i woodnt leave the house haha

  • 13 yrs, 9 mths ago

    🙁 🙁 sorry to hear that…

    i dont know of anything. only know if the chip becomes sensitive,
    sensodyne toothpaste really does work.


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