17 yrs ago

Celebrities saving the world/planet

OK, I’m a bit of a tree-hugger myself, I’m very spiritual, I meditate almost daily if I have time… My mission in life is to save the planet and prove that it can be done without ruining my manicure and whilst remaining upright in my stilettos!

But, I am sick to death of some celebrity preaching to me and ranting with some half-baked idea and expect me to adopt it as my mantra.

Take for example, Heather Mills telling us that the planet will be cooler if we drink rats milk and become vegans as opposed to depending on our bovine friends for milk and meat…

Has anyone else had as much as they can take of these half-baked ideas and instead wants to seek true alternatives?

28 comments 32 voices


  • 16 yrs, 11 mths ago

    You can say what you like in forums – its your opinion (not that of Beauty Heaven) It`s like reviewing a product – the company might say its fantastic, I might say it sucks – my opinion. Like for instance I think McDonald`s burgers are too fatty and make me put on weight. Now that may be considered damaging, buts its my opinion – I haven`t used bad language, nor am I being disrespectful. Well, thats how I interpret the Terms and Conditions anyway. We name many beauty products on in these forums, comments good and bad, same thing isn`t it?

  • 16 yrs, 11 mths ago

    I could say, what I and alot of other tasmanians think causes the tassie devil facial tumours, but im not sure if this kind of talk is allowed here in the forums, as its naming a company( causing damage) might be not allowed. Anyway, I dearly love the devils, ive patted one, who looked so much like a little dog. his fur was very coarse, rather like huske fur, you know how the huskies have thick, coarse fur? Thier growling is communicating, i like it, some dont. Did you know when a tassie devil is first born its no larger than a grain of rice? Amazing,isnt it.

  • 16 yrs, 11 mths ago

    I totally agree with supporting Aussie made products as there is to much produce coming from overseas, and being owned from foreign companies.
    But yes some of the best beauty products come from overseas too.

  • 16 yrs, 11 mths ago

    I`d love chickens too, we are on an acre. Actually I`d prefer ducks (duck eggs are awesome) But I worry not only about foxes but our dog (Charlie – the Great Dane, who I`m sure would love to play with chickens or ducks!) I only buy free range eggs and have so for the past 10 years. We actually have our fruit, vegies, cheese, milk and eggs delivered each week – it supports the local farmers and all the produce we receive is Australian grown or made. I think it is so important to support Australian made products/produce. I try and buy Australian made where possible, but obviously there are many gorgeous products from overseas that I just have to have (make up, perfume, food etc!)

  • 16 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Yes on 40 acres, just outside of town, I have the luxury of not being so close to my neighbours and its not to far away from the city.
    Those poor little tassie devils, what is causing them the tumours? (I think I did see a documentry on them awhile ago, but just cant remember, was it something to do with the food?)

  • 16 yrs, 11 mths ago

    oh you have a farm? how lush is that! freedom to roam. We have foxes here in tassie except there is now a program put in place to eradicate them. I belive they have thier place in the food chain too,everyone needs to eat. But I guess i would feel differently if I actually had hens and had to keep them safe from harm.
    I wish the investigations into the tassie devil facial tumours would hurry the hell up to find a cure. Ive donated money several times.Im happy there are devils across the tasman who are tumour-free.

  • 16 yrs, 11 mths ago

    I really want to get free range hens, that would roam around our farm, (have to lock them up at night, so the foxes would`nt get them) and collecting the free range eggs would be so fun!

  • 16 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Glitter girl,I remember once on whats good for you tv show, they did a test for one week to see if a person`s cholesterol increased from eating eggs every day.( Did anyone else see that? ) I found it fascinating as I love eggs, (I eat free range ones). Anyway, it showed that the cholesterol didnt increase from eating eggs all week.So, ever since then I often eat eggs.
    I passionately wish as well as my 4 cats, I had the resources and funds to maintain an animal shelter,as that would be heaven for me Id be with lots of darlings then!Think of the hens racing around,while the cats and dogs ate heartily! (sigh)

  • 16 yrs, 11 mths ago

    Yummy! I`m actually waiting for my dinner – I am SO hungry! It`s lovely today, I`m relaxing with a bottle of SOL.

  • 16 yrs, 11 mths ago

    i love them scrambled or fried with heaps of chilli sauce and sundried tomatos on top!

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