15 yrs, 5 mths ago

can you ‘brush off’ suncream?

OKay ladies,
this might sound a bit silly.
but you know when you put sunscream on and its all greasy?
well I have got into the habbit of putting powder on top to ‘de grease’ my sunscream, thing is, am I brushing the suncream off?

Especially if I am putting powder on STRAIGHT after applying suncream.

Becuaes it just de-greases and goes less shinny… but then I wonder where the suncream has gone. Is it on my brush or still on my face?!

3 comments 32 voices


  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Hmm that`s a tricky one – if you`re waiting 10 mins in between I`d say it`s soaked in enough to not come off…

    Have you thought of trying a less greasy sunscreen?

  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Depends on how hard you`re brushing? And whether you`ve allowed the susncreen to soak in first too? I would be trying to find a more matte sunscreen to counter that problem…

    Unless of course you use the new Clinique SPF powder! It`s called `almost powder`


  • 15 yrs, 5 mths ago

    Hi Laura no it is not silly at all! Some women actually do the same you do and i doubt it is brushing your sunscreen away your only applying a powder on top. I can`t think of anything that would brush off sunscreen unless you rub or wash it off. Just a light wash of powder on top would actually do, so it is okay!

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