13 yrs, 6 mths ago

Body image perception (relating to winter/seasonal)

Ok so i wrote in the ‘winter clothing’ thread about an article i had read – of body image.

it was actually about the attitude and percetions that men gave rating women bodies depending on season and amount of clothing.
an actual scientific study that was published.

the text of the abstract is:

“Men’s attraction to women’s bodies changes seasonally. (2008)
Journal – Perception (England )
Abstract :

Humans exhibit seasonal variation in hormone levels, behaviour, and perception. Here we show that men’s assessments of women’s attractiveness change also seasonally. In five seasons (from winter 2004 to winter 2005) 114 heterosexual men were asked to assess the attractiveness of the same stimuli: photos of a female with three different waist-to-hip ratios; photos of female breasts, and photos of average-looking faces of young women. For each season, the scores given to the stimuli of the same category (body shape, breast, and face) were combined. Friedman’s test revealed significant changes for body shape and breast attractiveness assessments across the seasons, but no changes for face ratings. The highest scores for attractiveness were given in winter and the lowest in summer. We suggest that the observed seasonality is related to the well-known ‘contrast effect’. More frequent exposure to women’s bodies in warmer seasons might increase men’s attractiveness criteria for women’s body shape and breasts.”

SO that lead to lots of citations and other articles.
The one i saw also said:
(as a summary or paraphrasing)

“The men’s attraction to the bodies grew as temperature dropped, and vice versa. It’s called the ‘contrast effect’: men see more of women’s bodies in warm weather and so they are more discerning and critical”


So i guess that means covering up makes us more alluring?
Or at least – the hidden = unknown finds? lol.
Or even i guess it means men get starved of seeing something so are more willing to like? 😛

There are also mentions of it on a pile of onlnie blogs and beauty sites, even mens health! (and this guy who ran the study seems to d oa lot of similar experiments):

it would be interesting hearing ppls views of this theory… or well , if u think it matters how to look for knowing or not if ppl are going to be more relaxed in their perceptions at diff times of the yr

(personally i dress how i like, all yr long, and i also didnt base my image or my fashion style on any 1 trned or the way i think ppl will care or view me. but thats just me)

9 comments 32 voices


  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    I agree that the findings are both somehow surprising.. yet also almsot not a surprise ..

    surprise that men might like it more seeing us in more clothes – or be more attracted, if they are being less ‘scrutinising’
    but then also – not a surpise that regardless of the way we try to look they are going to still make a move or flirt/bug us.

    I do think its true that whatever is covered.. becomes the object of fascination. Like how less is a big deal thna in the past when it was neck to knee outfits in the beach one apon a time.. then when it got shorter and shorter ppl were gasping.. now who cares?
    SO whatever we cover up becomes desired..

    It reminds me of the joke in Seinfeld show, about that. and he had a routine about men loving what we cover, so if were were a tribal person who was nude anyway and then does something like cover our necks.. all the tribe men will be saying.. omg did u see her neck! 😛 lol

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    I’ve always been one to cover up my modesty. I don’t like the idea of strange men getting ideas in their head of what I look like. I see too many girls that leave little to the imagination.

    It was very weird when I went to Byron Bay (in Summer) with my long skirts seeing all the girls wearing bikinis and short dresses. I had to go shopping just to fit in and not look like a tourist 😛 Now the clothes I bought there I have to wear stockings or pants under so I don’t feel like i’m showing off anything that I shouldn’t be!

    Although on the other side of the coin, I always cover up a lot at work (always wear pants and a work shirt with a jumper or cardigan over the top) and I still get guys trying to flirt with me, arrrgh, you can’t win. It happens when you cover up and it happens if you dont.

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    yep! 😀 I know what u mean

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Interesting read…. I am usually pretty covered up on very occasionally not… when i was living in perth in the yucky, yuky heat i had to wear cooler stuff.

    I still do like it when hubby compliments me, because i realise it is worth the effort i go to if he doesnt i just think gee maybe ill just not bother so much with my hair or makeup.

    I know what you mean, it’s nice when men occasionally acknowledge the effort we put in. I especially love when your not expecting it, or not feeling especially gorgeous & then you get a compliment from the one you love and your mood is lifted immediately.

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Interesting read…. I am usually pretty covered up on very occasionally not… when i was living in perth in the yucky, yuky heat i had to wear cooler stuff.

    I still do like it when hubby compliments me, because i realise it is worth the effort i go to if he doesnt i just think gee maybe ill just not bother so much with my hair or makeup.

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Makes sense. Would never have thought of that reason!

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    oh wow. i guess that makes sense. would never have though of something like that though.

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    i agree!! interesting reading nat! i believe the theory too!!

  • 13 yrs, 6 mths ago

    Very interesting reading Nat!

    I’m not super suprised, and the ‘contrast effect’ theory makes a lot of sense. I guess that backs up the theory of covering up a little more to keep the ‘mystery alive’ or/and that mystery is sexy.

    Personally, I try not to worry about dressing for other people, or men especially – ppfffft, what do they know?! I dress/buy fashion for myself and know what I am and am not comfortable in.

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