I buy my pawpaw ointment there, lynx bodyspray 4 men 4 a friend (the new chocolate scent 1- not bad!), some Natio, manicare- They are a huge retail chain that buy bulk, hence the savings 4 us. All products i`ve seen are legit, they occasionally stock items eg Adidas cologne 4 men which was legit Adidas brand, but was an import from overseas, A bit like some of the bodycare/beauty products that the reject shop, discount stores stock… legit items just produced o/s & then their surplus is sold here. You should be able to tell as the packaging has the country of manufacture etc printed on it. I have recently started 2 purchase my prescription meds from their chemist section as they too are a lot cheaper than my local pharmacy. I find that keeping an eye on products between them & priceline when they both have sales can make a real difference on price… cheaper than my local woollies!