16 yrs, 3 mths ago

Anyone know a good SLS-free bath bubbles for delicate eczema-prone skin?

Hey all,

My little boy has occasional bouts of nummular eczema (forms in circular patches). I usually have him use Cetaphil to wash, but he’s really into bath bubbles at the moment – unfortunately, the best “bubbling” ones all seem to have sodium laureth sulfate as the second ingredient, and I think this irritates his skin – seems to get worse after a bubble bath. Anyone found good bubbles that are chemical free?


6 comments 32 voices


  • 16 yrs, 3 mths ago

    hey Amanda,
    Perfect Potion do a lovely sls free baby wash/bubble bath and there is also Scentual NRG that do it too.
    you can also order plain unscented (no essential oils or fragrant oils) from http://www.newdirections.com.au
    it`s really cheap from there.

  • 16 yrs, 3 mths ago

    hey Amanda,
    Perfect Potion do a lovely sls free baby wash/bubble bath and there is also Scentual NRG that do it too.
    you can also order plain unscented (no essential oils or fragrant oils) from http://www.newdirections.com.au
    it`s really cheap from there.

  • 16 yrs, 3 mths ago

    hey Amanda,
    Perfect Potion do a lovely sls free baby wash/bubble bath and there is also Scentual NRG that do it too.
    you can also order plain unscented (no essential oils or fragrant oils) from http://www.newdirections.com.au
    it`s really cheap from there.

  • 16 yrs, 3 mths ago

    I`m currently using the “”Burts Bees”” baby shampoo and wash 96.08% natural…you can look them up on this site…and purchase them from D.J`s

  • 16 yrs, 3 mths ago

    I`m currently using the “”Burts Bees”” baby shampoo and wash 96.08% natural…you can look them up on this site…and purchase them from D.J`s

  • 16 yrs, 3 mths ago

    I`m currently using the “”Burts Bees”” baby shampoo and wash 96.08% natural…you can look them up on this site…and purchase them from D.J`s

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